Methods, Sharing & Documentation

In this seminar, you will learn more about and reflect on sharing and documentation in artistic research, with an emphasis on the diversity of methods within the field. Based on the PhD students’ projects, different site- and time-specific and permanent formats for presentation and documentation are discussed, as well as how they influence work methods, artistic results, and reflections.


What   In person seminar (part of module 2)
Where   Se calendar
When   Se calendar


How to join the seminar?

You will receive practical information by E-mail. 


What to prepare?

  1. Read
    a) The mandatory reading for Module 2 (Arlander. A (2014), Bärtås, M. (2010), Hübner, F. (2020)).

    b) The On methods page and the On sharing page (to be published)
    c) Make yourself familiar with the work of the fellows in your group (the groups will be annonced before the seminar).
    In additon, you should reflect on how you work as an artist and how those methods could be articulated and used as research methods. Be prepared to discuss this with the others.

  2. Hand in (to be confirmed)

    Create a plan (in English) with two parts, one for sharing and the other for documenting your process. The plan can be based on your current practice or it can be a speculative plan, for an ideal situation, a future development. Consider the customary strategies within your field, and whether you want to change them in some manner. Use no more than approximately one A4 for each part (500 words). If your plan is longer, share only a summary of it. You can include links to websites with images, sounds, etc. Please take care, however, that the main plan is understandable without them. The plan must consist of two parts:

    a) Plan for sharing your artistic research processDraft a strategy for sharing your process, rather than the final results. Which parts of your work do you want to share with others, with whom, when and where, how often, in what media, for what purpose? What are your most important research methods, and how do your methods influence the potential of sharing outcomes along the way? (Add questions as needed). 

    b) Plan for documenting your artistic research processDraft a strategy for documenting and recording your process, rather than the final results. Which parts of your work do you want to document and keep a record of, with what media or tools, when and how detailed, to be shared or private, for what purpose? (Add questions as needed). 

    Please submit the plan to no later than two weeks before the seminar.

  3. Bring (to be confiremd)
    a) Please be prepared to present your plans for documenting and sharing your work in a small group. We form the groups based on your assignments. The presentation should take no longer than 10 minutes. You need to bring own Mac or PC if you are planning a screen based presentation. All rooms offers projectors and speakers.
    b) Choose one quote from the mandatory readings for module 2, and bring a piece of paper with the quote written or printed on. In the seminar, you should breifly present why you did chose this spesific quote. 

Program (draft):

Day 1


Welcome and aims for the seminar: Annette Arlander


Who is in the room?

11:30 Keynote 1, followed by discussions: Annette Arlander
12:30 Lunsj
13:30 Keynote 2, followed by discussions: Tijs Ham 
14:30 Break
15:00 Quotes from the readings - sharing and reflecting together in smaller groups
15:45 Panel and plenary discussion, moderatet by Linda Lien. Panel: Annette Arlander, Caroline Slotte, Tijs Ham, and Yuka Oyama
16:30 End of day 1


Day 2


Keynote 3, followed by discussions: Caroline Slotte




Individual work, or work in pairs: Workshop/exercise “to interview a tree” (outdoor - please bring appropriate clothes)


Lunch (indoor or outdoor, depending on the weather)


Sharing experience from the tree exercises (indoor, or as walk and talk, depending on the weather)


Paralell group session 1 (four or five groups)


Paralell group session 2 (four or five groups)




Paralell group session 3 (four or five groups)


Paralell group session 4 (four or five groups)




Dinner/social event - we recommend all participants to stay for dinner and informal conversations


Day 3


Keynote 4, followed by discussions: Yuka Oyama




Parallel group session 5 (four or five groups)


Parallel group session 6 (four or five groups)


Reflection on the outcome of the seminar (in the groups)




Summary and concluding in plenary

