Module 4: The PhD result


Module 4: The PhD result is under construction. 

The module is about the final phase of the artistic research project, and the identification and sharing of the contribution(s) to the field. 

Based on the research fellows’ projects, various forms of contributions are discussed, as well as different formats for final presentations, documentation and the archiving of artistic results and reflections.

Recommended time:

Fourth semester. Module 1 must be completed to qualify for participation. It is recommended to also have completed module 2-3 before participation in module 4.


A total workload of 75–90 hours, corresponding to 3 credits.

Work and teaching methods:

In-person seminar based on preparatory assignments related to the seminar topics, lectures, presentations in varied formats, group work sessions, plenary discussions, and discussions in groups. The assignments and supplementary readings will be shared at least one month before the seminar.

Coursework requirements:

  • Study the literature/material on the reference list
  • Submit the material requested in the preparatory assignments
  • Familiarise yourself with the other fellows' shared material
  • Prepare a presentation in a relevant format
  • During the seminar, research fellows must give a presentation, lead a group work session, and play an active part in the discussion of other research fellows’ projects.



The module relates especially to the following learning outcome:


  • can contribute to the discourse on artistic research
  • can work on complex questions, and challenge established discourses and practices in the field
  • can share artistic research in relevant national and international contexts

Module 4 consists of:

Seminar (in-person): The PhD result

See program and information about preparations

Mandatory Reading for Module 4
In preperation for Module 4, we ask of you to read the following litterature. The different perspectives on Artistic Research introduced here, will provide a valuable resource that can be brought into the collective discussions of Module 4.


‘I am very concerned about the way which metaphors are running completely out of control in a lot of pseudo-academic, pseuado-philosophical writing at the moment.’ (Tim Ingold)



‘I am very concerned about the way which metaphors are running completely out of control in a lot of pseudo-academic, pseuado-philosophical writing at the moment.’ (Tim Ingold)