The Norwegian Artistic Research School

The Norwegian Artistic Research School was established in 2018, and is a collaboration between The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills and accredited Norwegian educational institutions with study programs that lead to a Ph.D. degree in Artistic Research.


The objective of the Norwegian Artistic Research School is to give research fellows an introduction to methods, theory and ethics as they relate to Artistic Research, as well as training in disseminating the results of artistic research. The joint professional training is intended to support research fellows’ artistic PhD projects and contribute to professional depth and breadth. 


By offering joint professional training, the research school will enhance the candidates’ own doctoral work, and contribute to further development of ‘the Norwegian Model’ for artistic research, which takes art and the artistic practice as its point of departure, and is characterised by reflection and cross-disciplinary communication and cooperation. 


Through the research school, the research fellows will acquire knowledge of and skills and competence in artistic research in accordance with the Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (NKR).


Ph.d. candidates in Artistic Research (from the Norwegian member institutions) will receive an invitation to an online one-day introduction seminar. The webinar is mandatory, and is is offered at least twice a year.

You will find information about the webinar here.

The board 2023-2024

The board of the Norwegian Artistic Research School is responsible for the content and quality of the research school´s training.


  • Jostein Gundersen (chair), University of Bergen (UiB)
  • Janne-Camilla Lyster (deputy chair), Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO)
  • Ivar Grydeland, The Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH)
  • Tone Åse, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Trond Lossius, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HINN)
  • Per Zanussi, University of Stavanger/University of Agder (UiS/UiA)
  • Lisa Torell, Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (PKU) (2003)
  • Jonas Howden Sjøvaag, fellow´s representative
  • Elly Stormer Vadseth, fellow´s representative

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, represented by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme, has administrative responsibility for the research school.


Read more about the board and how you can influence the research school.


Jostein Gundersen, chair (photo: Thor Brødreskift).

Janne-Camilla Lyster, deputy chair (photo: A Hein).

Learning outcomes

After completing the research school’s program, research fellows are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes: 

Knowledge: The candidate ...  

  • masters fundamental theory relating to artistic research 
  • can describe the diversity in theories and methods in artistic research, and reflect on and argue for choices of methods and processes in own artistic research  
  • can contribute to the discourse on artistic research 

Skills: The candidate ...  

  • can formulate research questions and plan the artistic research, with the focus on artistic processes and results 
  • can work on complex questions, and challenge established discourses and practices in the field 
  • can deal with interdisciplinary questions in artistic research

Competence: The candidate ... 

  • can discuss ethical principles and concerns in artistic research 
  • can identify ethical issues and can engage in artistic research with integrity  
  • can share artistic research in relevant national and international contexts  
  • can participate in debates in the field in international forums 

Course plan 2023-2024

Working methods

Training is provided through seminars and forums and through contact with other research fellows and peers who work in the field of artistic research, nationally and internationally. Work and teaching methods include lectures, workshops, various forms of sharing artistic research, and discussions. The discussions are related to each research fellow's project and to artistic research in general, with the emphasis on the transfer value in relation to the research fellow’s own artistic research. The training can take place in both large and small groups.

The research fellows are expected to prepare and familiarise themselves with different material in advance, which is then shared and discussed at the seminars. At the forums, the research fellows meet national and international projects and professional environments in the field of artistic research. The research fellows present and discuss their own projects and take part in relevant discourses. By sharing their own artistic research project, the research fellows contribute to developing their respective artistic fields. The forums provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary exchanges and are an arena for a more general discourse on artistic research. 


Course requirement

Research fellows are expected to participate in five mandatory seminars offered by the research school and to attend five Artistic Research Forums. The forums are offered twice a year, and the fellows should present their projects at three of the forums. You will receive invitations to sign up for the mandatory seminars and forums. The supervisors are recommended to participate in the national supervisors´ seminars, offered twice a year by the research school. In addition, the fellows and supervisors should join mandatory seminars and events at their institution.   

From Erik Friis Reitan´s PhD project Teleportation, which he completed in 2022 (photo: Linda Lien)

Artistic Research Forum: Lillehammer, Trondheim, and Stavanger. 

Last updated 19 April 2024

Artistic Research Norway

Projects and people, timeline, documents