Module 2: Methods, Sharing & Documentation

Note! Module 2: Methods, Sharing & Documentation is under construction. 

The module is about sharing and documentation in artistic research, with an emphasis on the diversity of methods within the field of artistic research.

Based on the research fellows’ projects, different site- and time-specific and permanent formats for presentation and documentation are discussed, as well as how they influence work methods, artistic results, and reflections.


Recommended time:

Second semester. Module 1 must be completed to qualify for participation.



A total workload of 100–120 hours, corresponding to 4 credits.

Work and teaching methods:

In-person seminar based on two digital resources (one about methods and one about sharing/documenting), preparatory assignments related to the seminar topics, lectures, presentations in varied formats, plenary discussions, and discussions in groups. The assignments and supplementary readings will
be shared at least one month before the seminar.


Coursework requirements:

  • Complete the two digital resources
  • Study the literature/material on the reference list
  • Submit the material requested in the preparatory assignments
  • Familiarise yourself with the other fellows' shared material
  • Prepare a presentation in a relevant format
  • During the seminar, research fellows must give a presentation and play an active part in the discussion of the other research fellows’ projects.

The module relates especially to the following learning outcomes:

  • masters fundamental theory relating to artistic research 
  • can describe the diversity in theories and methods in artistic research, and reflect on and argue for choices of methods and processes in own artistic research
  • can contribute to the discourse on artistic research
  • can share artistic research in relevant national and international contexts

Module 2 consists of:

Seminar (in-person): Methods & Documentation

See program and information about preparations

Digital rescourse for self study - read / look at / listen to:
The page On Documentation in the rescource pool

Digital rescourse for self study - read / look at / listen to:
The page On Methods in the rescource pool

Mandatory Reading for Module 2


In preperation for Module 2, we ask of you to read the following litterature. The different perspectives on Artistic Research introduced here, will provide a valuable resource that can be brought into the collective discussions of Module 2.


‘On the basis of the dilemmas faced by the doctoral students I have followed over the years, I recommend that an artistic researcher, whether a post-graduate or a veteran, holds on to at least one of the following in the turbulence of the research process – the question, the method or the material. ’ (Annette Arlander)

Arlander. A (2014): “Om metoder i konstnärlig forskning / On methods of artistic research” in Torbjörn Lind (ed.) Metod – Process – Redovisning Konstnärlig Forksning Årsbok 2014 Vetenskapsrådet 2014, Method – Process – Reporting Artistic Research Yearbok . p. 26-39.
Retrieved from:


In fact all methods hold their own aesthetics and carry their own gestures, discourse, and history within a work of art. Methods manifest their cognitions (performances) in the work as well as representing a model of being and acting in society. (Magnus Bärtås)

Bärtås, M. (2010): You told me. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Art. Valand School of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, p. 43-76. 
Retrieved from:



‘How do we as artist researchers, and as teachers of artistic research, actually design such research, while taking aspects inherent to the performing arts, such as ephemerality or collective processes, into account?’ (Falk Hübner)

Hübner, F. (2020): Against Method? Common Ground? Conference proceedings for CARPA 6.
Retrieved from: