The Resourse Pool consists of both mandatory readings for the PhD students in the Norwegian Artistic Research School and optional dive deeper-material. The pool should be of interest for Supervisors and other Artistic Researchers, as well.
Belowe you will find an alphabethic list of rescourses that might be relevant for different purposes.
Website and biennial colloquium in artistic research in performing arts, Helsinki, Finland.
The International Association of Film and Television Schools.
Creator Doctus project
Database on 3rd cycle awards in Europe.
Association of art and design education and research.
Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society. HUB is a peer-reviewed and open-access research journal published twice a year by i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, University of Porto, Portugal. HUB is hosted on the Research Catalogue platform.
Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe.
JAR - Journal for Artistic Research
JAR is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines. JAR is provided by The Society for Artistic Research.
Reposition - Zentrum Fokus Forschung
The Research Catalogue (RC) is an international database for artistic research, run by the Society for Artistic Research.
What Methods Do - Exploring the transformative potential of artistic research - Documentation of the International Symposium organized April 9th 20024 in Tilburg by Leiden University’s Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) and the Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration, in coordination with Fontys Tilburg and the Society for Artistic Research (SAR). The symposium was an initiative of Route Kunst – Art Route, one of the 25 Routes of the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA).