Izer Aliu

Procrastination, precision and poetry - Empowering impulsivity in a planned system of filmmaking

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, The Norwegian Film School

Keywords: Filmmaking.

Research interest: The biggest problem I’ve come across in filmmaking is the machinery around it. It does not merge well with a process of discovery. I’ve always had this need to be impulsive and improvise based on the surroundings. All aspects of filmmaking require you to plan and present a roadmap so that others can build around that. The director is supposed to have made it all once before making it again. I don’t agree with this way of making films. I think there is a way for both being able to follow impulses while at the same time having a good enough base for the machinery to stand on. The research question would then be: Can I merge impulsivity and meticulous planning in the filmmaking process?


I am doing this through 2 projects mainly. One minor and one major. One is a visual experiment which is the minor and concerns the actual filming and is made from a more traditional approach. And the second one will be a comparative study of writing from the footsteps of the characters.


Sometimes there is a misconception of taking on too wide of a subject, but when it comes to filmmaking, I don’t see these as separate processes. They are just layers in symbiosis, one on top of the other, which need to form a complete film.


Izer Aliu: I am a film director and writer who has made two features named “Hunting Flies” and “12 Bragder” and in post-production with my third feature. I’ve developed a tv-series together with Anne Björnstad that has been aired internationally called “Jordbrukerne”. I’ve won the Amanda prize twice and once for Best Director. I’ve attended and won multiple international festivals etc. I am most proud of my achievements in gaming though. I’ve reached “Legend” rank in Hearthstone many seasons in a row. I’ve attained the “Hand of A’dal” in World of Warcraft TBC expansion and what I am most proud of are my two kids.



Artistic Research Spring Forum 2024

1st presentation

I will during my presentation show relevant and irrelevant things I’ve been working on during my time as a fellow. What I’ve struggled with and what my way forward will be. The presentation will talk about chaos and the attempt to bring some order into it. I will try to discuss what I am trying to achieve in my work and some glimpses into the title of my research and what it really means (not that I know).