Erik Stifjell

Loudspeakers - Prosthetic or Enhancement?

University of Bergen, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design / UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Academy of Music

In what way can loudspeaker technology enhance an acoustic instrument? Which new abilities can loudspeaker technology give the instrument? Can the instrument enhance the loudspeaker in any way? These are central questions I try to answer with my research project. By developing a flexible, augmented instrument enhancement (FLAPIBox), I create a platform for exploring the mutual interaction between technology and instrument. 

The electronic sound is amplified by the instrument's resonance, the instrument's sound is modified through the computer and sent back into the instrument. A new instrument comes into being. An enhanced instrument. 


Composing new music for an array of these enhanced (augmented) instruments, makes the artistic outcome of the research. Throughout the project period, I work closely with the research group ARcTic Sustain - Let Vibrate, which consists of instrumental teachers at UiT, Academy of Music

Erik Stifjell is a composer living in Tromsø. Through his music, Erik is searching for organic forms in music and new ways of integrating speakers and electronic soundscapes. His work list consist of pieces for small and larger ensembles, electro acoustic pieces, music for film, dance and theatre together with a wide range of more experimental pieces.

His music has been played by ensembles all over Europe. The long list of commissions has included pieces for Ola Rokkones(NO), Haugen Productions(NO), Magne Pettersen(NO, filmmaker), Rosa Ensemble(NL) and Arctic Philharmonic(NO). Erik is also a member of the performance group Nordting. 

Erik holds the following degrees: Master- and Bachelor of Music(Composition) from Royal Conservatory, The Hague (2008, 2010) and Cand.Mag. (Percussion) from UiT The Arctic University of Norway (2000)




Artistic Research Spring Forum 2025

3rd presentation

In the third presentation of the project I show the latest artistic output and start an attempt of reflecting around the research project as a whole.