Sarah-Jane Summers

Cross-Pollination and the Immersive Violin


Norwegian Academy of Music

Research Questions:

  1. What happens when I cross-pollinate my three musical practices?
  • Traditional Scottish fiddle music
  • Traditional Norwegian Hardanger fiddle music
  • Experimental/improvised music


  1. How can experimental amplification affect my cross-pollinated music?

Sarah-Jane Summers is a versatile, free-thinking & impassioned performer. Her expressive style blends the lyricism of traditional music with improvisation. She has performed with many top folk, jazz, pop & contemporary music artists, including GRIT Orchestra, Highasakite, Quatuor Bozzini, Susanna Wallumrød, and Julie Fowlis. She has released four completely solo albums, the most recent on the highly respected experimental music label Another Timbre. Her four albums with Juhani Silvola all received Songlines’ Top of the World status, with The Smoky Smirr o Rain nominated for a Norwegian Grammy. In Sølvstrøk (2023), they supersized their repertoire for their duo plus chamber orchestra. As a composer, she has written several large commissions, as well as music for the BBC. Sarah-Jane was taught by the legendary Donald Riddell, who learnt from a relative of hers, Alexander Grant of Battangorm. She recently started a PhD in Artistic Research at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

Shadow Half (comp. Sarah-Jane Summers) from the album Echo Stane, released on Another Timbre 2023.



Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2025

2nd presentation


The past year, I have explored cross-pollinating my three musical practices (Scottish & Norwegian folk music & experimental music on fiddle & Hardanger fiddle) via the following compositional methods:

  • De/Pre/Re-Construction (fragmentation and development)
  • transplantation / translation
  • dance charts as graphic scores


This resulted in 40 minutes of music, performed with Bozzini Quartet - one of the world’s leading new music string quartets - at NMH, Nordlysfestivalen (Tromsø) and Celtic Connections (Glasgow) in Jan/Feb 2025.


In this presentation, I will play excerpts of the music, give an insight into the compositional methods and arrangement processes, and highlight challenges and ethical questions.

Artistic Research Autumn Forum 2024

1st presentation


What methods can I use to cross-pollinate my three practices:


  • Scottish traditional music
  • Norwegian traditional music
  • Experimental / improvised music


How does The Grammar of Creating affect my approach?