Amor Rojo

Oslo National Academy of the Arts, The Academy of Fine Art

Project leader: Dora García

Amor Rojo (in progress) HD, color, 16:9, Spanish spoken, BE/NO, 2023, 91’


About the project

Can love also become a weapon? In Amor Rojo, Dora García uses the historical figure of Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952), a Marxist theorist and Soviet revolutionary, radical feminist, and sex activist, as a guide to walk the labyrinth of female freedom and sexual emancipation.


Amor Rojo borrows its title from Kollontai’s best-known work of fiction and presents a complex narrative crossing continents and an entire century. Geographically, the project moves between Moscow, Kollontai’s revolutionary birthplace and site of her official archives, and Mexico City, where she was Soviet ambassador from 1926-27 (this coincided with the aftermath of the Mexican revolution in which the women’s movement played a pivotal role). Juxtaposing the 1920s with today, Amor Rojo probes a historical throughline between the revolutionary demands of early 20th century Marxist feminism and today’s trans-led feminist struggle that intersects with the call to dismantle colonial power structures.

About the presentation

There will be a short introduction by me (5 min) a screening of the film (Spanish with English subtitles), 90 min and a Q&A between me and the audience.


Presenter: Dora García

Trailer of the film