Rigorosum – Lorelei Dowling

Developing the Contraforte for Twentieth-first-century Ensemble Playing


The contraforte, a relatively unknown instrument introduced in 2001, is a development of the contrabassoon. While there is a limited amount of information about the  contrabassoon, the contraforte remains to all intent and purposes unexplored. In my doctoral project, I research this uncharted territory by examining the definitions of specific contemporary effects, how the effect is used on bassoon, contrabassoon and contraforte and the notations employed. I then construct categories that can serve as a foundation for a topography of contraforte sounds. The research includes new solo works for the contraforte that grew from collaborative efforts with an eclectic array of established composers: Leah Muir, Georges Aperghis, Georg Friedrich Haas, Alberto Posadas, and Liza Lim. Also included is my composition which illustrates how I approach playing the contraforte in a solo context. All these pieces draw on the results of my artistic research in a compositional context. The main challenge was to take this instrument beyond the sustained notes of its forebear, the contrabassoon, and to launch it into future explorations of a diverse and variegated world of sounds. The aim of my research is to share these findings with players and composers, encouraging composers to incorporate the contraforte into their ensemble compositions and inspiring performers to become more familiar with the instrument.

Internal Supervisors and External Advisors: Gerald Preinfalk and Christian Utz (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz), Martin Iddon (University of Leeds), Robert Gillinger (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)

Lorelei Dowling

Australian Lorelei Dowling, bassoonist and contrafortist, is a world-renowned contemporary specialist. Since winning a position in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra aged 24, she has appeared with many esteemed ensembles including Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Mozarteum Orchestra, RSO Wien, Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra, Ensemble Modern, Esbjerg Ensemble, Musikfabrik, Lausanne and Munich Chamber Orchestras and Burgtheater Wien. She has been a member of Klangforum Wien for over two decades.

Lorelei Dowling has given lecture-recitals all over the world, most notably at the Manhattan School of Music, Moscow Conservatorium, Singapore University, Venice Conservatoire, Paris Conservatoire, Hong Kong bassoon society, Vietnam National Academy of Music, Royal Northern College of Music and for the International Double Reed Society in Ithaca, Wisconsin and Birmingham. She has been the international guest bassoonist for the British Double Reed Society conference and Opatija 72nd Music Festival. From 2013–2019 Dowling was the bassoon instrumental lecturer for the Master’s in Composition at Katarina Gurska Centre for Music, Madrid, Spain.

In addition to being the first bassoonist to play Jolivet’s Bassoon Concerto with a major Australian orchestra, she premiered Berio’s Sequenza XII for solo bassoon in Spain, Singapore, Hong Kong and Russia. She has premiered new solo works from Pierluigi Billone, George Aperghis, Georg Friedrich Haas, Liza Lim, Alberto Posadas, Mark Andre and Johannes Maria Staud and as a soloist has recorded for Kairos, Wergo, ABC Classics, and TYX Art.

Her CD of compiled radio recordings, I was like WOW (2017), was reviewed as ‘grandiose’, ‘flawless’, and ‘full of expression’ (Das Orchester), and her performance on the album was called ‘jaw-droppingly brilliant’ (MusicWeb International).

Dowling is currently completing her doctoral studies in artistic research on the contraforte at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG), Austria. She has given presentations on her subject at the 2019 European Platform for Artistic Research in Music conference in Cluj, Romania and the 2021 Doctors in Performance conference in Estonia. Between 2018 and 2022 she served on the faculty at the Lucerne Festival Academy. In 2020, she started teaching contrabassoon at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK), Austria. In addition, Dowling is a mentor of the Grafenegg Academy. She is currently on the board of commissions and grants for the International Double Reed Society (based in the USA) and serves as the chair for its Norma Hooks Young Artist International Competition for the period 2024–27.