

Public Presentations

Theater im Palais, Leonhardstraße 19, 8010 Graz

AULA KUG, Brandhofgasse 21, EG., 8010 Graz



Examination Committee Meetings (internal)

Besprechungszimmer des Rektorats (1st floor, Room 105), Palais Meran, Leonhardstraße 15, 8010 Graz




Logistics, Registration, Administration

Sara Kebe-Cerpes


Production, programming

Jeremy Woodruff




Head of the Doctoral School for Artistic Research

Deniz Peters


Deputy Head of the Doctoral School for Artistic Research

Christa Brüstle


Senior Scientist (Postdoc)

Jeremy Woodruff


Research Assistants

Elina Akselrud, Judith Fliedl, Helena Sorokina


Administrative Assistant

Sara Kebe-Cerpes


Student Assistants

Francesco Casanova, Tommaso Settimi, Anton Tkachuk


Audio-Video Team

Vincent Ederle, Benedikt Alphart, NN