Lisa Torell

Potential of the Gap

UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet - Kunstakademiet

UiT The Arctic University of Norway - Academy of Contemporary Art and Creative Writing

Disputas: 28.05.2018


Veileder: Henrik Plenge Jakobsen og Janike Kampevold Larsen



Yvette Brackman

Marianne Heier

Mike Sperlinger


Potential of the Gap has been about method and place. In site-specific, contextual or relational art, the relationships between and relationships to are critical to the critical artistic licence. That is, relations between or to man, object, situation and context. I have engaged with the relationship between place, language and identity in relation to systems and logic. Convention and function. It has taken place in, about and alongside the public space and semi-public space. The work has been performative, with place and audience as a material in it self, and the gap as a tool and artistic device for challenging what is taken for granted, exposing structures, to enable a rethink and thinking afresh. In addition to developing and strengthening the method, I also wanted to review the terminology of the site-specific field, to make it more accessible and enable multidisciplinary interaction. To simplify certain concepts and to add others in order to more easily be able to share process and result.


Project documentation

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