Michael Francis Duch

Free improvisation method and genre

NTNU, Institutt for musikk

NTNU, Department of Music

Disputas: 30 oktober 2010


Veileder: Bjørn Alterhaug



Live Maria Roggen

Øyvind Brandtsegg

Harald Stenström

This project concerns artistic research in Free Improvisation as both a method and what was arguably becoming a genre within Experimental Music in the latter part of the nineteen sixties. A central issue in my project has been to seek to identify what separates Free Improvisation from other improvised musics, as well as to identify experimental compositions from the abovementioned period that can be related to the characteristics of freely improvised music. A focal point for this research has been the composer and improviser Cornelius Cardew, and the impact the ensemble AMM had on his attitude and approach to music-making in the same period. Cardew’s growing interest in radical politics towards the end of this decade is related to his radical music making during the same period. This interest can be viewed as a democratic and socialist approach to music, as opposed to John Cage being inspired by individualist anarchism.


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