Manipulations-Research score with 'difference'.
Voices: Outi Condit, Joa Hug, Riikka T. Innanen, Tashi Iwaoka, Paula Kramer & Josh Rutter
What’s changed?
Feels like
By different touches
Indeed different touch creates different
Is changing the
Ontology altogether
Quality or texture
Receiving a different type of touch changes the way I think
And create thought
How am I conditioned in terms of generating thought?
What’s the difference between reflecting on
The condition prevailing
And the abstract?
What if I refuse?
What if I refuse
Can I call my elbows
To harness my thoughts?
And my knees my elbows?
What’s the difference?
Yes I can!
Can this lead to a way of thinking
Or is it exercising me away from
Ongoing relationship
Have I become an object?
I’ve always been an object
Am I a collection of different objects?
Am I
Is it still a vain practice?
In between
What’s the same?
Things with things and fluids made out of things
Molecular structures
Can things have empathy?
Can thing be thinking?
Can things feel?
Is feeling a thing?
Can an object body transcend duality?
What’s the difference?
Having someone’s touch really enforces my limitation of my knowledge
A certain practice
And indeed this is a meeting of two different habits
What shall I call it?
Anyway it’s a mutual exchange
Exchange in real-time
My body condition is different
What’s the difference if this is ‘rain’ and not ‘Manipulations’?
It’s changing my way of thinking
Can I
Can I get this much efficiency of developing my way of
Different way of thinking when I do with my own research score?
And what’s the difference between duo and solo?
Can I really imagine so appropriate
Or appropriated way
The other body?
This touch of Josh
Is not my imagination
Does that mean I can’t imagine this touch?
Is it completely impossible to imagine the other?
I usually can’t get this much of thought
Is it happening just because it’s Josh who is manipulating?
So if I’m being manipulated
Is it still me talking?
It must have a certain effect who is touching
Is it
Are we talking?
Are we the manipulated being talking?
Are we couples
Are we all talking?
Or am I God talking?
Josh talking through us?
I tried
to fit in my recreation on top of this tactile manipulation and I get
My recreation got nearly almost lost
It’s so weak
It’s weak
What’s the difference between what I imagine and what is?
Oh God
Oh Jesus Christ
It’ll be different this time
Touching or moving through the in-between
It’s just
It’s become so
Is it really Tashi and Josh doing the Manipulations?
Or is it something that the name doesn’t capture?
Whatever this is
We’re both doing it
Or are we doing different things?
Are Tashi and I really touching right now?
Are we just hacking a survival mechanism that privileges being together?
Are we just playing out a recombination of mammalian potentials?
Is a body populated by more intensities more differentiated?
One key is in the form
Or is differentiation a necessary condition for intensities to inhabit the body?
Is the research score a sub-species or its own animal?
Is it reproductively isolated from the Manipulations?
Is it different enough?
Your voice enters my system
Your blood does not
Your flesh is different from my flesh
What if we got blood transfusions from each other and then did the research score?
I feel
Human intentionality behind the touch
Can I shift my perception?
Does a reflexive practice like the research score have a chance of transmission
Or does its self-awareness
Preclude that?
Does the artistic research environment render practices barren
In terms of
Not reproductive?
The difference of touch
Differentiation of skin
In a totally different state of being
What’s the relationship between confidence and embodiment?
Here-ness and embodiment?
Faithful and betrayal
Intricately interwoven