we would like to speak more about trust and care
who is we?
marisa and jonathan
maybe another time
while the time is not here for both of us
questions as to the meaning
and importance of trust move around
or orbit around
but more frequently
questions of the growing importance of care
and the attentiveness that comes with it
as counter movement to prevailing circumstances
what circumstances?
polarised circumstances
intensely polarised circumstances
unusually polarised circumstances
vastly unsettled too
60' trust and care > Jonathan, Marisa, Ula
entry on 07.12.23
just one body
it's fine. i practice
trust and care with
the obejcts that support
my weight, my self
they are:
the floor
a furniture that's like a
sideboard with piegeonholes
or compartments
and the sky i can see through the glass wall
of this room
the sky supports my eyes
takes care of them
how? it softens my seeing as it
changes colour, light, configuration
it's nice to be here
observing creation and writing
30' trust and care
to trust what
or whom
and when
trusting my weight
to a ball
a big ball
lying on my belly
first i need to feel
ball will care for me
or take care of me
but how
by sensing stability
and a certain level of symetry
concerning my limbs
what defines stability
what is stability herenow
a balanced stability
as in
i can let go knowing the ball won't roll and throw me to the floor
positioning the head is challenging
neck gets – how shall i describe it – cut
trust manifests in bodymindspirit sensations
the ball
when i sense a harmonious physical balance between me and ball is established
we have both to work on it
little, careful adjustments
for some delightful minutes we are there
in balance
30' trust and care
short note this evening
the only movement this evening has been to look back at archival material
and listen to kay tempest's 'grace'
60' of undefined search