in Greek “wound”,
“is not what happens to you;
it is what happens inside of you
as a result of what happens to you"
Gabor Maté, 2022
just for five minutes imagine that
you could
think of a way
without a destination
not now
every now
(and then)
every here
(and there)
do not forget to draw
to throw
your anchor to the now and the here
make unsctructured time to breathe
to play
stay under the sun
touch the earth, do some gardening
stay under the rain for a minute
immerse yourself into the water
stand where the wind blows
hydrate, scream, sing, dance, paint, read, write, say I forgive you I love you thank you
nourish your memory and
your imagination
cross things off your list (dopamine)
show and allow to receive affection (oxytocin)
meditate (serotonin)
move (endorphins)
to maintain your desire for knowledge
to maintain pleasure
use your awe lenses when looking at
every little thing
inside of you beside of you