The invitation to ProjectMorpheo

This message was been sent out to those who signed up for participation in my degree project presentation on the 4th of May, 2023. That was the premiere of ProjectMorpheo's final version, and it is the closing scene of TamingAmorphalia.

‘Dear All, 

I know that you are probably familiar with the schedule of our master presentations, however I would like to invite you to mine in this email and give some information about it in advance. 

My degree project and the presentation itself aims to explore the fragile connections between the world of our dreams and the everyday materials that surround us. They are both neglected in the sense that most of us don't usually pay attention to them, so let them have the spotlight for that one hour of the day!

ProjectMorpheo will take place on the 4th of May in D-Theatre between 2:30-3:30pm. It is something between the genres of game, meditation and puppetry workshop that requires your participation. In order to be able to do so, I would ask you to 

come in comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting a bit dirty because of the different materials you might meet with. 
pick and write down to a piece of paper one of your dreams (meaning: vision from your sleeping time, not a future plan) that you want to get connected with through the event

The event itself contains some things that might feel unsafe or uncomfortable for some people, so I want to inform you, that taking part in the experience involves

moving around the space in dim light (approximately 3 min)
sitting on the floor (with a pillow but no chair ~ 40min) 
turning off your phone and electronic devices for the duration of the event. (Totally)



I am sorry to say, but I cannot make exceptions in connection with these, because I find these conditiones essential for the experience.

Please let me know whether you plan to join or not as a reply to this email/a messenger text or just in words when you see me during the next days. I am (super excited and) really looking forward to playing/experimenting during- and talking after ProjectMorpheo with you!

A little help to remember your dreams: put a notebook and a pencil next to your bed and write them down immediately after you wake up (even if it is the middle of the night)!

Have a nice day!

And after that, sweet dreams 🌙

Mag Eszter