THU 05|23 05 PM - 08 PM | AAI – Afro-Asiatisches Institut


Future Conference Lectures I

Fulfillment, what is that? A cynical promise of happiness? An ultra-convenient logistics service? Waste colonialism with overflowing landfills? A new form of capitalism? A kind of circus?

John von Düffel (playwright, author, Berlin), Daniel Wetzel with Linn Günther (Rimini Protokoll, Berlin), Jakob Buchgraber (Tanzania Plastic Recycling Project, Graz) and Daniel Mawuli Quist (The Or Foundation, Accra) explore how to live with and against this in the form of a project presentation, a life plan and the lecture performance „la danse d’amazon (Solo)“.

Keynote: Phyllis Omido.
In English language.

Free entrance
With John von Düffel, Daniel Wetzel, Linn Günther, Phyllis Omido, Jakob Buchgraber, Daniel Mawuli Quist

In cooperation with Steirische Kulturinitiative

"la danse d'amazon (Solo)" is funded by the Schöpflin Foundation. Based on la danse d'amazon, a production by Rimini Apparat, in co-production with Kampnagel. Co-financed by the European Union. Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.