THU 05|23 03 PM - 04:30 PM | Paradise L.
Performance mit Viktória Makra
Why are forms of nutrition still hotly debated? Can we stand it when people disagree with us? Let's explore this together. Bring your questions, your prejudices, your doubts, your opinions. Come as you are!
Admission free!
Spaceholder Viktória Makra
With Anna Zabezsinszkij, Paritossh Sukumar, Gergő Lukács, Gergő G Ras Komáromi
A project of Pro Progressione, Budapest
In cooperation with Katholische Hochschulgemeinde.
With Anna Zabezsinszkij, Paritossh Sukumar, Gergő Lukács, Gergő G Ras Komáromi
A project of Pro Progressione, Budapest
In cooperation with Katholische Hochschulgemeinde.