About the project

The international cooperation future.repair.machine investigates the concept of repair as a sustainable and innovative tool in the cultural and social environments of five European cities: Graz, Eindhoven, Budapest, Berlin and Munich. What keeps artists, scientists and citizens busy are questions of the climate and changed use of our resources. Future.repair.machine connects artists, scientists and citizens to collaborate with the aim to make the present sustainable for the next generations.

We have to radically rethink matters, and move towards a sustainable circular economy, which means creating new things from old ones, dealing creatively with what already exists and we have to do it now. It’s a sustainable concept, inherent to repair in which is displaying respect and appreciation for the things around us. This is a source of powerful creative and economic forces. Along these lines, the international project future.repair.machine launches is starting an integrative-creative, transnational process that deals with the value of repair in relation to: public space, urban design, language, atmosphere, clothing and body modification.

With this collaboration, future.repair.machine hopes to kindle awareness for a truly united artistic approach and a sustainable partnership with the rich contemporary cultural landscapes of Europe and the shared awareness for repair as an innovative tool for change in our present societies We will create five new formats of city-based repair concepts and strategies, which will be a collaboration between professional and nonprofessional artists, citizens, experts and scientists in each city and deliver a future.repair.conference with workshops and at least we will found with partners from all over Europe the future.repair.academy as a sustainable platform and an ongoing working tool.

The main outcomes of the project will be:

  • 5 artistic interventions in each of the partner cities

  • A big conference dealing with the idea of repairing and a united artistic approach to this idea.

  • The foundation of a repair academy

  • A roadtrip (exhibition, performances) promoting the repair academy in the 5 cities included and in Brussels. 

The partners are:


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