The R1 reactor was the first Nuclear Reactor in Sweden. It became operational in 1954, and was in use until 1970. Sweden's third nuclear reactor, R3, was also built in the metropolitan area of Stockholm, in Huddinge, and its ruins are still visible today.

Nuclear energy was seen as a brave new modern advance in those days. But by the 1970s, the authorities had come ot understand that having a nuclear reactor in a populated area might not be the best way to proceed.

The hall that once housed the R1 reactor was cleaned and decontaminated. It was essentially abandoned for many years after, but in 2007, after several years of safety tests, the hall was re-purposed as a venue for collaboration between artists and members of the Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology, or "KTH"). x



This is an excerpt from Under stjärnvalvets drömmar (Under the Starry Future), which was made for the Skandia organ that stands in the R1 Reaktorhallen. The whole piece can be heard here.

This is an excerpt from Deuterium: Mimer. This piece was made taking deuterium as a starting material for composition. Deuterium is used in the production of nuclear energy. The whole piece can be heard here.