Peer-reviewed articles:
“Pondering with Örö Pines: Talking with Trees as an Undisciplinary Method”. Plant Perspectives. 2025
“Trees as experts in Site-specificity” in Hunter, Victoria and Cathy Turner (eds.) Routledge Companion to Site-Specific Performance, London & New York: Routledge 2025, 318-328.
“Rakas mänty, tervehdys mänty, päivää mänty – puhetta puille taiteen kontekstissa” [Dear Pine, Hello Pine, Greetings Pine – talk to trees in the context of art], Synteesi 4/2023, 95–110.
“Performing with Trees as Shifting Attention”. In Maiju Loukola, Mari Mäkiranta and Jonna Tolonen (eds.) Figurations of Peripheries Through Arts and Visual Studies: Peripheries in Parallax. London & New York: Routledge 2023, 15-29.
“Letters to a Pine: A Video Essay”. Performance Matters Vol. 9 No. 1-2 (2023): Performing Practice-Based Research, 78-87
“Writing with a Pine: Addressing a Tree as Audience.” 2023. Näyttämö ja Tutkimus [Stage & Research], 9, 103–120.
Non-refereed articles:
“Workshop with a Pine” (2024). In Mend-Blend-Attend: Advancing Artistic Research, Proceedings of the 13th SAR International conference on Artistic Research, 86-95
Tala om det för Tallen (Tell it to the Pine) Hippolyte Studio, 2-24.11.2024
(also older works)
Männyn kanssa – With a Pine – Med en fura, Telegraph Gallery, Harakka Island 20.8-1.9.2024
Pondering with Pines – Conversations in three languages. Muu Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre 7-21.1.2024.
Pondering with Pines. Telegraph Gallery, Harakka Island 6-18.6.2023.
Furorna i Bodafors [The Pines in Bodafors], curator Alessandra di Pisa, exhibition at Malmstén school in Stockholm, 22.11.- 4.12.2022.
Revisiting the Pine and other video works. Telegraph gallery on Harakka Island 25.5.-5.6.2022.
Works in group shows:
With the Pine in Kaivopuisto Park 2-3-1 in MUU Media Art Fair 17-21.10.2024
Citizen Pine in City is sound, city is quicksand, Hietsu Pavillion 21-23.5.2024
Listening with a Pine (mix) as part of “The Strolling Creatures of Light” at MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre 27.1.2024
Sunnuntait männyn kanssa (Sundays with a Pine), video at ESSE festival in Seurasaari, Helsinki 29.7.2023.
“Männylle” (To the Pine) performed as part of Nomadic Academy of Experimental Arts: Impossible week: Analogy and magic. Harakka Island 27.5. 2023. See video documentation
“Pondering in the Park” performance in Museum Tinguely Park, Basel 23.7.2022. See program and documentation
“Practicing with Pines”, performance and videos as part of Seven of Seven by Myymälä2 25.4.-1.5.2022. See Documentation of streaming on Myymälä2 youtube channel,
Videos in AV-archive:
With the Reclining Pine 1-12 (2022) 02:09:40
With the Pine in Seurasaari (2023) 56:20
The Pine in the Park (2023) 23:20
Videos in collections:
Lectures and invited talks & presentations:
“From the Pine – Männyltä – Från tallen”, alumna talk at the graduation ceremony of Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki 15.12.2023.
“Pondering with Pines – At the limits of relating”, and conversation with Otso Aavanranta in Post-doc circle, Uniarts Helsinki 22.11.2023.
“Performanssista esitystaiteeseen ja työskentelyyn puiden kanssa” [from performance art to live art and working with trees], lecture for theatre research students at Helsinki University 18.10.2023.
“Miettii mäntyjen kanssa” [Pondering with Pines], lecture in the series Artistic Research Today, Open University of Uniarts Helsinki 9.10.2023.
Presenting the exhibition “Pondering with Pines” on Helsinki Day 12.6.2023
“Pondering with Pines – Two examples” at Nordic Plant Humanities Symposium: Plants, People and Ecologies, University of Oulu (online) 7.6.2023
“How to do things with artistic research – notes on diversification and in(ter)disciplinarity”, lecture at the winter school Integrative Humanities: Intersecting Art, Science, Nature and Technology. Tallinn University 23–27.1.2023.
“Perspectives” as part of Performing Landscapes Laboratorium. (online) Copenhagen 27.1.2023
“Furorna i Bodafors”, talk at the Malmsten school, Stockholm 22.11.2022
“On Collaboration and Networking”, post doc circle of Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke, University of the Arts Helsinki 3.3.2022.
Conference and seminar papers and presentations:
Presentation of video compilation in the workshop of the Artistic Research Working Group of PSi (Performance Studies international) at the conference in Johannesburg 2-5.8.2023.
“Pondering with Pines or Pine for Par”, in the Performance as Research Working Group of IFTR (International Federation for Theatre Research) at the conference in Accra 24-28.7.2023.
Three contributions to the Artistic Research Working Group of PSi (Performance Studies international) online meetings 30.6., 30.7., and 30.8.2023.
“Pondering with Pines”, Nordic Plant Humanites Symposium: Plants, People, and Ecologies. University of Oulu (online) 7.6.2023.
“Is it too late to start talking with trees?” SAR conference, Trondheim 19.-21.4.2023
Presentation at the symposium Approaching Plants – Studying human-plant relations beyond disciplines, University of Würzburg 23-24.3.2023.
Presentation at Norwegian Artistic Research School – seminar 2 in Voksenåsen, Oslo 8-10.2.2023
Presentation at the book launch, Kuva Research days, University of the Arts Helsinki 14.12.2022.
“Voiko puita puhutella?” [can you address trees?] at the autumn days of the Finnish Society for Theatre Research 25.11.2022
“Revisiting the Pines on Skifferholmen” in the workshop composting methodologies at SSAM (Speculative spaces for artistic methods) 3.11.2022
“Planting Ideas for Vegetal Humanities and Art Research” as part of Environmental Humanities Month at Helsinki University, 11.10.2022
“Pondering with Pines”, contribution at the Artistic Research Working Group meeting 6-7.7.2022 as part of the PSI online conference 6-9.7.2022.
“Attending to remarkable and unremarkable trees”, workshop at the SAR (Society for Artistic Research) conference in Weimar 30.6.-3.7.2022.
“Shifting the focus in performance as research”, contribution at the Performance as Research Working Group meeting at the IFTR conference in Reykjavik 21.-24.6.2022.
Contribution as part of the Artistic Research Working Group presentation at the Performance Philosophy conference in Helsinki 16.6.2022
Contribution to the online symposium Designing the Pluriversity organised by Arizona State University 19.5.2022.
“Kasvit ja esitys” [Plants and Performance], talk at the seminar on environmental aesthetics organised by the Finnish Society for Aesthetics at TSV house (and online) 17.5.2022.