1: Personal
Getting to know each other
Artistic Research
2.55 min. - 8.13 min
Artistic research process: Essaying (mind maps and lecture performances)
Art: Performance
Theory : Articles
What is artistic research for you? Personal, theoretical, artistic
Essaying as collective performative practice
DAY 2: Workshops
Mind map: On pitbulls https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/1726729/1784020
Think of an current/urgent topic/object for you
This can be a about your research, but also a personal toic or an object that facinates you.
Place them together and match (2-3 students)
Knowledge fragments
- Feel free to roam, associate freely
- Think about confiming and counter fragments
- Think about the most positive and negative fragments
Is about the open process,
not a defining/conclussion
Personal - experential
How did I personally experience this (obect/topic) in the past?
For instance:
- Anecdotes / situations / experienes
- Songs or books from your past
- emotions / feelings
- Objects
- context (house, garden, vacation, car, etc.)
Knowledge fragments
- Feel free to roam, associate freely
- Think about confiming and counter fragments
- Think about the most positive and negative fragments
Put in your mid map
Personal positioning: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/1726729/1774809
2 Theory: the essay
Essay = personal, artistic, theoretical
Essay film/theatre / performance:
-Performative essay: Robin Deacon - white balance
- Film essay: Orson Welles - F for Fake
- Photo essay: Chris Marker - La Jaete
- Theatre essay: Fractured Memory (2016), Ogutu Muraya
Essay as unmethodological method for artitic research
Lecture performance:
5.07 min
Aritistic - sensorial
- How does (topic/object) sound? (audio)
- How does (topic/object) feel? (tactility/material)
- How does (topic) look? (visual)
- How does this (topic/object) move? (performative/video)
- How does it tast/smell?
- What is it made of?
Put in your mind map
3: Practice: lecture performances
On Pitbulls
On engines
On kink
Topic with urgency / public debate
Topic with frictions / paradoxes
- Topics related to legal issues
- Topics that are considered taboo or counter narrative
- Topic related to social class
What facination do you have?
On Pitbulls (in progress itteration 3)
2.21 min.
Theoretical - discussive
- How does the (topic/object) relate to references? (theoretical)
Place keywords in your mi you mind map
Choose knowledge perspectives (at least 2 you unfamiliar with)
- historical perspective
- economical perspective
- political perspective
- material research
- Law etc.
Per perspective look at different sources:
- news/media articles
- academic papers/books
- dictonary/etymological definitions
Put in your mid map
Research method: RooM - Research Mobile
RooM: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/2078805/2377976
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7252198493526667265/
Going outside to RooM
Taking a walk with Gaya and Zeno
What ways do you collect data?
Write in a card, draw
O artistic research methods: https://forum-online.be/en/issues/herfst-2020/op-weg-naar-een-vruchtbare-vallei