
- normall about their own topic first

- normally loger

- normally physisally

- normally 1-on1 talks after

Workshop reflection:

- timing?

- phases (1-4)?

- Phase 1 in 4 parts?

- are there things double/too much?

Essaying as collaborative(?) performative practice


Introduction 15 min.

- plan 2025

- workshop


Start 2025:

3 main topis (

- On Pitbulls    RooM Research Mobile (FAA Muzetuin, Tilburg Library)

- On Eniges    SAR SIG Co-Agency (SAR Conference Porto)

- On Sex         Colaboration with Milo van der Maaden

+ On Bruises   Current

Non institutional/public context 


Educational/research tool/workshop 

- FAA MA Art Education / Performance in Public Space

- Leiden University PhDArts?

- suggestions?

Institutional context

Contemporary literature

- Artistic Research tools/education/peerfeedback

- Collectivity/collaboration               COST Artistic Intelligences

- Queer literature 

Workshop/tool: Essaying (PHASE 1 + 2) 80 min.



Chose a topic/object that is relevant/fascinating/urgent for you at the present moment

This can be a about your research, but also a personal topic or an object that fascinates you.

Note: Montaigne had: on friendschip, on thumbs, on Plato, etc.

Place them together and match (2-3 people


We will make a mind map in the Research Catalogue

For supervisors: who is familiar with the RC?

PHASE 1: Creating knowledge fragments

- Different ways of knowing (experiential, sensorial, cognitively)

- Different relationalities (human, non human, nature. materials, phenomena etc.)

- Different media (Objects, pictures, videos, audio, text etc.)


PHASE 2: Interrelationality, contextual Mapping - contextualizing - sequensing, placing

PHASE 3: Interaction, interrelationality

No place is fixed, it's a performative colection, a moving archive.

PHASE 4: Dissemination

PHASE 4: Iteration



- Allow fragmentation

- Allow paradoxes and friction

- Allow free association

- Allow both confiming and counter fragments

- Allow the process to lead


Not about conclusions

Not about definitions


PHASE 5 Sharing 

Sharing pulic

PHASE 2: Clustering (20 min)




Perform the knoledge fragments in the mind map;

- How do they relate? 

- What is the proximity to the topic/oject?

- What is the proximity to each other?

- Which ones can be clustered?

- feel free to add new keywords/synonyms in your mind map


Interact: how do the knowledge fragments interact? 

- Is there friction?

- Are there paradoxes?


- Who can I ask to contribute to this essying topic/object?


Take a screenshot or export to PDF




PHAE 1: Experential ways of knowing

(Subjetive, intuitive, emperical, Emotional, spiritual, intangble, primary, lived experience, existential)

1: Personal - experential- way of knowling (15 min.)

  • How did I personally experience (topic/object) in the past?
  • How do I personally experience (topic/object) currently?

text- artistic - free

poetry, diary, song text, play, podcast





For instance:

- Anecdotes / situations / experienes

- Songs or books from your past

- emotions / feelings / physical

- context (house, garden, vacation, car,  etc.)


Personal positioning:




PHASE 4: Sampeling

narratief, sequesntie, sequence






Choose a cluster

choose a form






A1Start individually on a topic

A2 Someone adds to your map individually

A3: Discuss together

PHASE 3: Contextual - (Inter)relational  (15 min.)


  • Who/what is this (object/topic) in relation to?


- who/what is affecteded?

- who/what has influence?

- who/what is included/excluded?

- What ways of knowing and what knowledge fields are there lacking/missing?


For instance:

- other people

- non-human animals

- nature

- materials

- technology



How is relationallitypracticed?

Ethics and relationality - culures of consent / safeguarding

Ethical dimentions


2: Sensorial ways of knowing

(artistic, non-verbal, embodied)

  • How does (topic/object) sound? (audio)
  • How does (topic/object) feel? (tactility/material)
  • How does (topic) look? (visual)
  • How does this (topic/object) move? (performative/video)
  • How does it tast/smell?


This part is not about discussing the questions, but expressing them in the requested form, start drawing, share sounds,exppress movements, try to work through through these forms


Record, video, draw, upload,




B1: Share topics

B2: Cluster topic in duo's

B3: Essay the topics together

Lecture performance:

On an unmethodologial method

3: Rational ways of knowing

(Objective, Theoretical, discursive, cognitive, reasoning, logic, analytical)


  • How does the (topic/object) relate to theoretical sources? 


Choose knowledge perspectives:

note: chose at least 2 you unfamiliar with

- historical perspective

- economical perspective

- political perspective

- material research perspective

- Law etc.


Per perspective look at different sources:

- news/media articles

- academic papers/books

- dictonary/etymological definitions




C1: Share topics

C2: choose one topic

C3: All essay the topic together