We Felt the Ground with Our Feet


We learned

a basic movement of Suri Ashi

and practiced


We felt the ground with our feet.

and walked with ancestors.


Walking on St. Olaf Pilgrimage

Juama talked of natural beauty as antidote.

We traded observations

through stones.

Lena shared the religious, political, and naturalist history.

Ami sang from the 12th century

for our feet.


In Grissleham we found a place to


and tried to move as one.

We felt

the ground with our feet,

the people that came before us in this place,

the ice ages and eons that shaped this landscape,

the volcanoes that made the rocks.

We felt the turmoil inside ourselves,

and in the world.

I read Alice Walker’s message from earth

of our collective human struggle, grief, and hope,

and her guidance toward unity; the circle.


We moved together


We took turns,

we returned,

circled again,

considered the symbol

locked Arms

and felt our strength







A Reflection on the Day:

Walking Together as a Circle

Was a walk led by John Schuerman (Bio)

As part of the May 21, 2024 BKN Pilgrimage day

Alice Walker Quotation (P. 43, sent by earth)

Cited at the start of the Circle Walk


May we be connected to each other,

May we know the range and depth of feelings

in ourselves and in each other

There is vulnerability, fear, love, rage, hatred,

compassion, courage, despair, and


in ourselves, each other, and the world.

May we know our most authentic feelings

And voice them when we speak,

May we tap into soul and spirit when we are

silent together

May healing begin in us.

May we form and become a circle.