Title: Moving Togheter in a Cricle

Walking Artist: John Schuerman

Walkers: 16

Date: June 6, 2024

Time: 6pm

Duration: 30 min

Post event: Campfire dinner session by our grill as a meet and greet between WAP and m Kurybiniu iniciatyvu centras.

Location: Soccerfield, BKN, Björkö, Sweden


The second (and last) time you have a chance to participate in this celibration. First itteration was at Väddö in the walking event "Walk With Us", May 21, 2024


Co-curator of WAP24 SEPTEMBER EDITION leads the attendees in circular walk. 


Paricpating WAP artists

Shi Tou (ch)

Freddie Maria Tetzlaff (de)

John Schuerman (us)

Anna Viola Hallberg 


Marina Pugina (ru)

Students and staff from Kurybiniu iniciatyvu centras, Lithuania

4 from Björkö community


Documentation and reflections will be presented on this page.



Instigator PP JUNE 6: Anna Viola Hallberg



Walking Score: Move Together in a Circle

Prewalk: Johns introducrtion of symbolic value of the circle and reading of text.




Walk: John lead the group along the forest side of the field. Freddie across , parelell to the road. Anna Viola the side towards the house and  Shi Tou back to the starting point. 

Post Walk:  John asked the group to form a circle and lock arms in siclence

Documentation: Ming Ming 

Walking Together as a Circle, June 6, 2024, Led by John Schuerman

Walking Together as a Circle, a walk for unity at Björkö Konstnod artist residency.

Our group included local residents (Sweden), and artists from Lithuania, China, Russia, Germany, Sweden, and the US. Just prior to the walk I read the quote below from Alice Walker.  Special Thanks to Jonas Daniel Evicius for translating into Lituanian.

Text read by John at the beginning of the intervention.

"May we be connected to each other, 

May we know the range and depth of feelings in ourselves and in each other.

There is vulnerability, fear, love, rage, hatred, compassion, courage, despair, and hope in ourselves, each other, and the world.

May we know our most authentic feelings.

And voice them when we speak,

May we tap into soul and spirit when we are silent together

May healing begin in us.

May we form and become a circle."

Alice Walker Quotation (P. 43, sent by earth)

Post walk Campfire Session BKN and photographers from Lithuania

Photo: Jonas Danielevicius


Prior to the Campfire we all went down to a rock around the corner from BKN, Dragsviken. Here we introduced ourselfs to one other. And enjoyed the sun and the hot rock.
Photo:  Jonas Danielevicius

place holder slide show

Slideshow by photography studendens