This accessible page is a derivative of which it is meant to support and not replace. The background presents details of the rhythmic record of the sound work 锦瑟 The Sad Zither. 'Paint the Rhythm II' (2022), brushwork on rice paper.
Video description: A video offering a visual and sonic tour of the exhibition Hearing Rhythm, Seeing Rhythm at the BCA Gallery, Ireland. Accompanied by a vocal score, the video depicts the various rooms in the exhibition. In one a video work on a monitor shows a hand painting lines on paper with a thick brush, alongside these, hung on the wall are the finished works on paper, arranged in a column from the ceiling to the floor. In a second room, bathed in dim blue light, a visitor enters to listen to an immersive sound work. Click to watch the video.
[1] It is worth noting that the point of this project is not to undermine the cohesion of the rhythmic rules in the history of China, but to investigate how intricately organized they are with the artistic experiments. ↩︎