Some say it's unseemly

for a woman to be so... proactive

Ah but she had style

She flew all the way

From Lancashire to Australia

To marry him

Head over heels.

Eighteen months in

Something went drastically wrong.

Some disaster broke her heart.

So she flew back to Lancashire alone

Eventually they found

Most of his body

In a suitcase

Buried on a beach

Head over heels.

(Mark D. Price 'Re-Union', 2019)

Madness & Civilisation 

The Night Watch: Foucault, Rembrandt, Lenkiewitcz (Price 2020)

... days seemed to pass faster than she could  ever dream. All  had grown into something unimaginable.

... and out  of this  broken heart three white rose kept  growing. With thorns making the blood turn into a purple flooding...

...  a nightingale sang in  sorrow. 

flipping its wing

fanning breath into his dead body.

making new life possible...

(based  on the myth of Isis, Horus and Osiris)