The VR was designed to be a one day sequence: we always experience space through time, so it was thought to be good to have three different spaces experienced in different times of the day, concluding the experience with the end of the day cycle.

The dimensions were based on the actors’ interaction movement: Which means it is the approximate diameter of the actors moving while reading the screenplay.


The materials were kept simple, minimalistic so they don’t take the attention from the story, and were expressed in different scenes by their different states to somehow express this ever-changing state of materials in nature, main materials used were:


Light/Daylight, water, and stone.

About the characters, there was always a character in the scene to give a visual the reference to scale, and the character gets closer to the VR viewer through the story, in order to gradually give the VR viewer more comfort in interacting with the story character.


The first scene

It was about a person just born into this new reality, that’s why it was decided for the space to seem open, spacious, with an unlimited view, and very bright, it was at the beginning of the day, the viewer walks around and explores his/her own balance on his own spot, how far he/she can wonder, the boundaries that could be reached, the materiality, the edginess the weirdness/beauty of this new world.

The person wearing the VR can see a more clear space around, get immersed in a more calm reality around that changes slowly, giving more time to get confident in walking around.

Sun: sunrise-middle of the day
Stone: pillars as a ground with an edgy triangular shape, little dangerous feeling of the unknown, every pillar is a spot for different person/ story character, some pillar

tops are visible to others...
Water: thick fog that moves around in the base of the pillars.


The second scene

Here the person wearing the VR goggles starts to interact spontaneously with different characters around him through time.
In the story different transparent colorful characters moving around, mixing their colors when crossing each other in an agile movement between light and shade speaking with the viewer triggering colorful visual interaction.
Space was designed to feel like a more movable transitional space, a space that encouraging to move around.