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In 1942, Albert Einstein was teaching at Oxford University, and one day, he just gave an exam of physics to his senior class. And he was walking on the campus with his assistant when all of the sudden, the assistant looked at him and said "Dr. Einstein, this exam which you just gave, isn't that exactly the same exam you gave to the same class one year ago?","Yeah, yeah" said Einstein "it's exactly the same"."But Dr. Einstein, how could you possibly do that?", the assistant said. "Well," said Einstein, "the answers have changed." In other words, The question remains the same about struggling for human equality and human rights breaking stereotypes, but the time changes. If we still are giving the same solutions then we are not creative enough to bring new contexts and boundaries for society to develop... same answers will not bring us even to the same place it was leading us before. We live our today inside a media and socio-economical bubble that is determining how "normal" people should act, and what stereotypes they should follow, To form the "inside the box" thinking where we agree with everyone around to save reputation, avoid embarrassment, and feel secure staying in the same social context we are today. but the problem is that (with time) these norms will not even result in the same socio-conditions we have now, things will get more deconstructed that's why the change should not be only revolutionary but should also be treated as a permanent necessity. That's why society should always work on making inclusive projects, to avoid risks of eliminating different people, minorities, and ones who don't have enough power to stand for themselves. When speaking about challenging the norms we need to define the problem (not only fixing the results) and think about how can we change the way people systematically acts towards the issue. Ex.solving climate change, we should care about sustainability, which only changes systematically by rethinking our norms of living. Why doing a film? -Encouragement for creative thinking, initiating moods for the more integrated environment, and looking upon things from a different perspective needs to be a powerful act of film and art. -People usually tend to stick to what they know and the brain usually tends to name things to understand and set boundaries for perception, and through the film, I want to challenge for new perspectives of thinking.
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