Trailer of 'Tic' by Nicoletta Pizzicotti

Because of Covid-19 regulations, I decided to create a choreography using the technology I had available to design a piece "remotely". The dancers who participated in the creation of the choreographic material were only two despite the choreography was conceived for a quartet. In this site, the creative process of each scene will be explained and the description of them will be reported as best as possible to let the reader picture the structure of the choreography.



The dresses were designed by Fabiana Fabiano. She created four different costumes that are connected. The different layers used symbolises the various aspects of Tourette syndrome. Materials, design, and shade were discussed to find the best visual effect on stage. 

The first costume has shorts under long organza pants. The shorts have reflective lines on them. The top is a one-shoulder shirt white one long one-shoulder organza shirt on top. All the dancers have white shocks. 

The second costume has a full suit with shorts and sleeveless shirt under a long-sleeved organza shirt. All materials are white.


The inspiration for this choreography was the condition of my brother. He is affected by Tourette syndrome  which is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes movements and or sounds called tics. 

Tics can be motor (like jumping, spasm of different part of the body, bone cracking) and/or vocal (like sounds, words or sentences) and are also often similar to coughing, sneezing or blinking. In my brother's case, his tics are both motor and vocal but are limited to sounds.

The reasons why some individuals have this syndrome is unknown. Each person that has this syndrome has different characteristics. This syndrome can also have psychosocial effect. In the case of my brother he has a slightly tendencies to be obsessive when he does something and has a strong artistic vein. Tourettes syndrome is often mistaken   with autism, since some of the sintoms are similar to the one of it, but it is actually something different. Some of the side effects that can be experience when having Tourettes are headaches, tiredness and muscle pain.

There is no medication for it, even if some doctors prescribe medicines to relax the nervous system. 

Since this syndrome is linked with movement it was taken as an inspiration for the development of the choreography. The intent of the choreographer was also to bring awareness to this topic. 

The fourth dress is a body with one leg of shorts and one shoulder with two shoulder straps. Above it is an organza pant with one leg.

The third costume has the same suit as the second but above it has a long shirt with long sleeves punched on the shoulders. The sleeves of the second and third dress are cut to highlight the movements of the arms.