Drifters who want to seek refuge on the Patch arrive at one of the ports of the Patch. We zoom in on the North Port called YETTO. Here we see the first glimpses of what the Patch People have managed to build up on their Patch: the architecture of the harbour, the waterways and the stairs leading up to the buildings — one of the buildings is the Arrival Tribunal.
Inside the Arrival Tribunal we are introduced to the interior and decoration style of the Patch People. Their interiors are made out of poli-marble (melted plastic building blocks) and richly decorated with plastic objects and shells gathered from the patch. The Patch People look at the plastic objects with different eyes, a crappy bottle becomes a valuable object, shells might have grown onto it or the sea has given it multicolour shades and texture.
The Pacific Patch is now home to a growing civilisation, that - isolated from the rest of the struggling world - created its very own architecture, culture, infrastructure, agriculture, rules, rituals, defence mechanism, costumes, music, fears and dreams and so on. As their plastic garbage patch floats and flourishes on the rising sea - the Patch has now gained a utopian status for the growing group of landless drifters.
The PATCH PEOPLE. Think of them as a mysterious future tribal community. They learned how to survive on the plastic surface, build houses, grow food, raise children and establish a strong common culture. Like their interiors, their costumes, head-pieces and body adornment are created out of the plastic objects and shells the find on the patch. Their bodies posture and way of moving has adapted to life on a floating patch in the open sea.
The world of the Pacific Patch People is build on floating ocean waste, kept in place by the ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean - gaining strength every year!
Around 2070, a group of drifting migrants managed to get ashore of the so called Pacific Garbage Patch: a gigantic plastic island floating around in the Great Pacific Ocean. When they crawled up on the swampy plastic patch, they had nothing but plastic and the ocean around them. The story of the Pacific Patch People starts three generations later, on this PATCH, in a universe unhinged and disorganised by climate change, somewhere around the year 2120.
In the second half of the 21st century, our world collapses. We are so tired.
We cannot fight the many, unstoppable climate disasters anymore - rising sea levels, massive floods, droughts, storms and violent hurricanes... Low-lying land and coastal cities disappear, global systems crash. On every continent, millions of people were forced to migrate, whereas the surviving parts of countries anxiously kept their borders shut for these refugees. And then... all color fades away.
Meet the council of the Arrival Tribunal - Jeddiah, Alamar, Narit, Vorir and Andra.
And also Serenja and Neemo - who assist the council at the Arrival Tribunal.
Hair and Make-Up Design by Soley Ástudóttir, Costume Design by Sara Forsberg,
Character Design by Cedric Sjöberg, Production Design by Lisanne Fransen
fantasy map of the world of the Pacific Patch People:
the Patch Archipel (the miles of swampy plastic debris surrounding the Patch) + the Patch itself (one of the 3 more dense surfaces) what is on the other 2 dense patches is still unknown...
how would the Pacific People build their houses and shared spaces? I imagine they use rough plastic as a base - which they then decorate with smaller plastic objects and shells (a waste product from their ocean farms).
Credits left to right
Sound: Lisa Fritzell & André Laos, Tove Lidman
Images Top row:
1 (top) rendering by Lisanne Fransen
1 (mid) concept drawing Lisanne Fransen
2 Jjpeabody.deviantart
3 (front) Great Mosque of Djenné (source unknown)
3 (back) Robert Ormerod for the Guardian
4 (top) Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
4 (mid) Tateh Lehbib Braica_photo by Pablo Mediavilla Costa/El Pais
5 (top) Tateh Lehbib Braica_photo by Pablo Mediavilla Costa/El Pais
5 (mid) Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
Images Bottom Row:
1.Source unknown
2 Rendering by Lisanne Fransen
3 Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
4 Seaweed farm_Jiaozhou Bay China
5 Dibba Bay Oyster Farm (Source unknown)
Lisanne Fransen
Credits left to right
Colour circle: Lisanne Fransen
Images Top row:
1 Daniele Dany Gaarza
2 Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
Images Middle row:
1 Gif (source unknown)
2 Gif (source unknown)
3 (top) Kiyoshi Ota for Bloomberg
3 (bottom) Reuters
4 Nasa / JPL
5 (back) Milja Rossi
6 (front) Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
7 Darryl Dyck / Keystone
8 Harry Potter
Images Bottom Row:
1.Combined image film grab from Isles of Dogs by Wes Anderson + Malaysian Plastic Waste mountains
2 Tedxgp flickr
3 Source unknown
4 Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
5 Emilio Maglione-Fulco
6 Nasa / JPL
7 Source unknown
Lisanne Fransen
Credits left to right
Images Top row:
1 collage by Lisanne Fransen
2 Rendering by Lisanne Fransen
3 Overflow by Tadashi Kawamata
4 Paul Walters / SWNS
5 Polimeer Amsterdam
6 Pneumàtic street art in Barcelona
7 (back) Polimeer Amsterdam
8 Humpback Spyhop Slater Moore Photography
9 Precious Plastic by Dave Hakkens
Images Bottom Row:
1.Source unknown
2 Lucy McRae
3 Oysters (source unknown)
4 (background) wallpaper design by Lisanne Fransen
5 Damien Hirst / Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable
6 One of a Kind archives
7 Rendering by Lisanne Fransen
8 Solar Bottle Buld (source unknown)
Credits left to right
Colour circle: Lisanne Fransen
Sound: Lisa Fritzell, Andé Laos, Tove Lidman
Images Top row:
1 Hurricane Katrina by Jason Reed for Reuters
2 Hurricane Puerto Rico by Gary Williams at Getty Images
3 GIF (source unknown)
4 still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
5 GIF (source unknown)
6 Hurricane Harvey Texas by Marcus Yam for Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
7 GIF (source unknown)
8 (top) still from Sleepwalker by Mathias Eriksen and Matias Rygh
8 (mid) still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
Images Bottom Row:
1.GIF (source unknown)
2 Houston flooding by Jabin Botsford for the Washington Post
3 Hurricane Harvey Texas and Louisiana by Richard Carson for Reuters
4 Typhoon Kammuri Philippines Reuters and AP
5 Syrian Regugees (source unknown)
6 Refugee camp in Idomeni (source unknown)
7 Philippines typhoon at VTV24 News Centre
8 (source unknown)
9 Children of Men (2006) DoP Emmanuel Lubezk
10 Bladerunner 2049 (2017) DoP Roger Deakins
Images far right slightly down
1 (backgroun) Wave storm gif by Evan Hilton
2 Image modification by Lisanne Fransen
Credits left to right
Images Top row:
1 Bajau child / photographer Réhahn
2 Koishan Women /Martin Harvey
3 Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
5 Make Up design by Soley Astudottir
6 Tony Camacho for the Science Photo Libraby
7 Sketch by Sara Fosberg
8 Dogon People photographed by Anthony Pappone
Images Bottom Row:
1 Desert Spirits by spencer Tunick
2 (source unknown)
3 Xing by Elizabeth GAbrielle Lee
4 (source unknown)
5 Still from BBC documentary Human Planet (2011)
6 (detail) Make Up design by Soley Astudottir
7 Material inspiration by Sara Forsberg
8 Gif (source unknown)
Costume material tests:
Sara Forsberg