Branagh, K. (1996) Hamlet. Kate Winslet singing.

Flute improvisation by Joost Vrouenraets 




R  e  f  e  r  e  n  c   e  s

L i t e r a t u r e


Owen, J. (2015) Indwelling Sin in Believers. Chapter III. Gideon House Books.

Shakespeare, W. (1603) The Tragedie of HAMLET, Prince of Denmarke; a FAscimile from the First Folio. Shakespeare Globe.

Shakespeare, W. (1601) Hamlet. Wordsworth Classics

Whang, S. (2000) AN ACROBAT OF THE HEART, a physical approach to acting inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotwoski. A vintage Original.

Bloom, H. (2003) HAMLET: POEM UNLIMITED. Canongate Edinburgh London.

Campbell, J. (2008) THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES. New World Library.

Preston-Dunlop, V. (2014) looking at dances. The Noverre Press.

Fitt, S.S. (1988) Dance kinesiology. Schirmer Books.

Thompson, A. Taylor, N. (2016) Hamlet A CRITICAL READER. Bloomsbury.

Wangh, S. (2000) AN ACROBAT OF THE HEART. A Vintage Original.

Artaud, A. (1958) THE THEATER AND ITS DOUBLE. Grove Press.

Foucault, M. (2006, 2009) History of Madness. Routledge.

Nelson, R. (2013) PRACTICE AS RESEARCH IN THE ARTS. Palgrave Macmillan.  

McCulloch, L. Shaw, B. (2019) The Oxford handbook of Shakespeare and dance. Oxford University Press.

Dziewior, Y. Goldberg, R. Storr, R. (...) ZHANG HUAN. Phaidon.

Artaud, A. (1987) Van Gogh de zelfmoordenaar door de maatschappij. Gerards & Schreurs.

Baas, J. Jacob, M.J. (2004) Buddha Mind in Contemporary Art. University of California Press.

Jodorowsky, A. Costa, M. (2004) LA VOIE DU TAROT. Albin Michel.

Parsons, M. (2000) The Dove that Returns, The Dove that Vanishes. Routledge.

Leder, D. (1990) The absent body. The University of Chicago.

Etlin, R.A. (1996) In Defense of Humanism. Cambridge University Press.

Abulafia, Y. (2016) The Art of Light on Stage. Routledge.

American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Arlington, V A, American Psychiatric Association, 2013.



V i d e o 

Godmilow, J. (1980) WITH JERZY GROTOWSKY, Nienadówka. Facets Multi-Media.

Branagh, K. (1996) Hamlet. David Barron.

Nelson, R. (2017) From Practitioner to Practitioner-Researcher. Johannes Birringer.

Bloom, H. (2003) in-depth interpretation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Manufacturing Intellect.

Berlinger, J. (2019) Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. Elastic Gigantic Studios Outpost Digital.

Paxton, S. Andrien, B. Corin, F. (2008-2019) Material for the Spine. Contredanse.

Reed, D. (2019) Leaving Neverland. Dan Reed.

A r t i c l e s

