In a linear understanding of time, this project was unfolded between March 2022 and August 2024. That would, however, be a false way of outlining the project and would be a negation of the project in which different times are visited, reactivated, and folded back (and forward) into each other again and again—the repeated folding back on the past, present, and future becomes a constant entangled folding of instability.
Hence the “timefolding” below is an attempt to fold, unfold, and refold the process of the project in a way that is less linear and more open-ended.
The Big Bang.
Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the Big Bang singularity at an estimated 13.787±0.020 billion years ago, which is considered the age of the universe.1
August 2022
Toxoplasmatic ectoplasm
Softening No. 2
September 2022
Presentation of the project at
New directions in an anthropology of sound
From the program:
Sounds are ever present: They continue to envelop and move through you and me in every single moment. But what agencies drive those sounds, what sort of personae are performed, in historical periods as well as today or in the near future? What social relations occur as a result of sound? And how might our embodied experiences and sensibilities create new bodies of knowledge?
To which forms of experiences with our bodies, with objects, within social relations and with peculiar situations and sensibilities might this lead? Which sonic fictions escort us and how do we listen with our sonic corpus?
In this four-day conference between September 13–16, 2022 at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory (RMC) in Copenhagen, researchers from the Sound Studies Laboratory at the University of Copenhagen, international scholars such as Jordan Lacey, and artists like Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard invite you to explore these questions of an anthropology of sound.
Watch the presentation of the project titled "Softening the Piano. Are Instruments Parasitic? Are Instruments Contagious?" right here
June 26th, 1284
The Pied Piper returns to the city of Hameln on June 26, Saint John’s and Saint Paul’s Day, early in the morning at seven o’clock (others say it was at noon), now dressed in a hunter’s costume, with a dreadful look on his face, and wearing a strange red hat.
He sounds his fife in the streets, but this time it is not rats and mice that come to him, but rather the children: a great number of boys and girls from their fourth year on. Among them is the mayor’s grown daughter. A swarm of 130 children follows him, and he leads them into the mountain of Koppenberg, where they disappear with him.
Akvariet, RMC
Eik Skaløes Plads 1
1437 Kbh K
Disassembling together a grand piano
Softening No. 4
Come and join us in disassembling a grand piano!
Just like the frog under a microscope, we will disassemble a grand piano and have a look at what is inside such an instrument.
The disassembling process will be led by piano expert Vilhelm Rasmussen (from Vilhelms Musikværksted), and at the end, the grand piano will be separated, and all parts will be placed on the floor in front of us, so we can look at the giblets together and discuss the process of disassembly.