
Artistic research-based project “Transformative Processes” - Metamorphosis in Geometry
With art mediums of drawing, text, photography, sound composition and spatial installation

The research method is Multimodal Minimalism with various art mediums, its assemblage

The aim of the project is that it's concerned with developing the study of geometry, which I transform from the biological to the literary. This is my artistic challenge of geometry in the sense of humanity, like the linguistic logic, the feeling, etc. in a certain way. - How do we live with nature, in urban nature and its coexistence with all of us (humans)?

Outline: Metamorphosis - Ethics and Aesthetics are One - from a Neuroscience Perspective
Wittgenstein's "Ethics and Aesthetics are One" is the starting point. "In the Notebooks, Wittgenstein states that 'the world and life are one', so perhaps the following can be said. Just as the aesthetic object is the single thing seen as if it were a whole world, so the ethical object, or life, is the multiplicity of the world seen as a single object". (Diané Collinson, The British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 25, Issue 3, SUMMER 1985, pages 266-272)

Art transcends the boundaries of race, nationality, and gender. It is a creative act that unites in the context of humanity, from the subject to the various subjects, by asking questions. This point is the lack of "reality" (the confrontation with reality) from a sociological point of view. However, it is impossible to define humanity and reality based on sociological statistics alone. This is my perspective on Wittgenstein's "ethics and aesthetics are one". In doing so, I explore 'world and life' from the perspective of the 21st century.

Reference: Metamorphosis in Geometry
M.C. Escher (1898–1972)
Metamorphosis I, II, III:
Metamorphosis I (1937), Prints, Woodcuts
Metamorphosis II (1939/1940). Prints, Woodcuts
Metamorphosis III (1967–1968), Prints, Woodcuts

Relativity (1953), Lithography,
on Being in M.C. Escher

river and fire


water and fire