Video ex.2.3.4–LIII: Melody accompanied by ricochet and stereo effect (Takahashi, Like Swans Leaving the Lake, excerpt from Section C)

Video ex.2.3.4–LV: Dhammapada 91 Blending of the sounds (Takahashi, Like Swans Leaving the Lake, Section G)

Video ex.2.3.4– LI: A fish in a basket, for solo accordion (Takahashi, Dream Carp, Sixth Movement)

Video ex.2.3.4– XXXIXI: Improvisation aiming to establish a closer or more distant dialogue between the cello and accordion (Takahashi, Dream Carp, Third Movement)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXIII: Dialogue increasingly active between the accordion and the strings (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section L–N | mm. 66–88)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXV: End of the work with reminiscences of the beginning of the piece (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section X | mm. 133–143)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXIX: Entrance of the accordion (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section A | mm. 7–13)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXIX: Entrance of the accordion (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section A | mm. 7–13)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXVII: ... sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 276–296)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXI: Contrasting passage with faster figurations (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section D-E | mm. 34–40)

Video ex.2.3.4– XXXVII: Simultaneous entry and dialogue of the three instruments (Gubaidulina, Silenzio, Mov. II, nr. 14–16)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXIII: ... sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 234–240)

Video ex.2.3.4– frate focu... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 160–164)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXV: ... sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 261–266)

Video ex.2.3.4–XIX: frate focu... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 183–188)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXI: ...sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 223–227)

Video ex.2.3.4–XV: sor aqua... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 103–118)

Video ex.2.3.4– frate vento... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 56–63)

Video ex.2.3.4–XI: Orchestral writing (Nordgren, Distance-Dreams op.101, mm. 60–70)

Video ex.2.3.4–IX: Use of the registration (Nordgren, Distance-Dreams op.101, mm. 30–40)

Video ex.2.3.4–VII: The phrasing and blend of both instruments in pianissimo and legato (Gubaidulina, In Croce, nr. 36–38)

Video ex.2.3.4–V: Dramatic dialogue after a climax of the cello and accordion (Gubaidulina, In Croce, nr. 23–24)

Accordion and bowed string instruments

Video ex.2.3.4–III: Excerpt from Section A (Gubaidulina, In Croce, Section A)

Video ex.2.3.4–I: The cross represented in the accordion (Gubaidulina, In Croce. Onset of the piece)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXII: Presentation of the theme on the accordion (GaigneAvant la Nuit, Sections H–I | mm. 49–58)

Video ex.2.3.4– XXXVI: Successive entry of the three instruments (Gubaidulina, Silenzio, Mov. II, nr. 11–13)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXVIII: Dialogue after the culmination (Gubaidulina, Silenzio, Mov. II, nr. 17–23)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXX: The new rhythmic thematic material in the accordion (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section B | mm. 14–27)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXVIII: Onset of the composition (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Introduction | mm. 1–6)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXIV: Dialogue distributed in both manuals of the accordion and final climax (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section U–W | mm. 113–129)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXXIV: Dialogue distributed in both manuals of the accordion and final climax (Gaigne, Avant la Nuit, Section U–W | mm. 113–129)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXIV: ... sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 244–254)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXVI: ... sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 268–276)

Video ex.2.3.4–LII: Play of articulations and timbre (Takahashi, Like Swans Leaving the Lake, excerpt from Section A)

Video ex.2.3.4– XL: Coordinated playing with a unified articulation (Takahashi, Dream Carp, Fourth Movement)

Video ex.2.3.4–LIV: Agitated dialogue utilizing the ricochet technique (Takahashi, Like Swans Leaving the Lake, excerpt from Section F)

Video ex.2.3.4–XXII: ... sora nostra matre Tierra... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 228–233)

Video ex.2.3.4– frate focu... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 174–183)

Video ex.2.3.4–XX: frate focu... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 188–195)

Video ex.2.3.4–XIV: sor aqua... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 83–101)

Video ex.2.3.4–XVI: sor aqua... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 119–138)

Video ex.2.3.4–X: The narrative of the battle (Nordgren, Distance-Dreams op.101, mm. 47–56)

Video ex.2.3.4–VIII: Narrative and dramatic characters (Nordgren, Distance-Dreams op.101, mm. 1–20)

Video ex.2.3.4–XII: frate vento... (Kaipainen, Elemental Chanting op.87, mm. 20–31)

Video ex.2.3.4–II: The cross represented in the cello (Gubaidulina, In Croce, nr. 48)

Video ex.2.3.4–IV: Description of a dramatic scene (Gubaidulina, In Croce, nr. 27–29)

Video ex.2.3.4–VI: Dialogue with a playful touch (Gubaidulina, In Croce, nr. 30)