Video ex.2.3.1–III: Clarinet and accordion engaged in a continuous and fluid dialogue (Tiensuu, Plus I, mm. 132–138)
Audio ex.2.3.1–II: A more intense and dynamic passage, where sudden and dramatic contrasts in the accordion are accompanied by dynamic variations in the clarinet (Hosokawa, In die Tiefe der Zeit, mm. 67–79)
Video ex.2.3.1–IX: The synchronization of the instruments and the lively sequences of notes (Tiensuu, Plus I, mm. 116–131)
Video ex.2.3.1–IV: A melodic passage where the clarinet chases the accordion (Tiensuu, Plus I, mm. 186–198)
Audio ex.2.3.1–I: Beginning of the piece: long and sustained phrase (Hosokawa, In die Tiefe der Zeit, mm. 1–18)