Video ex.2.3.3–III: Dialogue between the accordion and recorder, which becomes progressively agitated (Derbez, La forza, il sparvier, mm. 25–33)

Video ex.2.3.3–I: Introduction of the main musical element (Derbez, La forza, il sparvier, mm. 1–10)

Video ex.2.3.3–V: Cadenza (Derbez, La forza, il sparvier, mm. 45–60)

Accordion and recorder

Video ex.2.3.3–II: Dialogue in unison and the use of extended techniques (Derbez, La forza, il sparvier, mm. 10–22)

Video ex.2.3.3–VI: Final passage of the piece (Derbez, La forza, il sparvier, mm. 75–82)

Video ex.2.3.3–IV: End of the second section (Derbez, La forza, il sparvier, mm. 34–44)