Multitude, Opportunity, Work, Collective, (Self)Discipline, Maintenance, Innovation, Freedom, Sharing, Growth (Degrowth), Autopoesis, Conceptualisation, Framing, Knowledge, Community, Responsibility, Experimentation—Observation—Reflection, Seeds, Connection, Money, Époche, Judgement: Expansion & Suspension, Collective Economy, Relations, Base
suspension of judgement, phenomenological reduction. The idea of interchangeable, non-fixed realities, in which with creative means one can actively shape the meanings of personal history and therefore the present. In this subjective or intersubjective reality objects or phenomena can be redefined. --- With the suspension of conceptual knowledge and judgement entrepreneurship could take on different forms. Through artistic means and methods maybe an economic utopia could be imagined and then maybe applied in our physical reality in one way or another together with machinic appropriation. (Gustė Kripaitė)
> Why bankers are like time travelers who grab value from the future. How do bankers create money? 4 min with Yanis Varoufakis
Economy—from the combination of the Greek words oikos and nomos—refers to the management of the household > WEIRD ECONOMIES
The Work to Make the Work (The Art of Application Writing)
Towards a Time and a Place where the Work is the Work (Conversation with Lubaina Himid)