Assembly (2017)
No one thing works, the mixture is all and messy is smarter than new. Keller Easterling: Design as Counter-Mechanism to Monocultures and Inequality. Keynote at Living Cities Forum 2023
Michael Hardt on the chapter: "Entrepreneurship of the Multitude". Find full version of his Assembly book presentation here.
The role of the artist within?
Reframing as combinating?
Artists as Framers?
the annoying thing: usually it means, they are taking your funding away .... this is what it means when they say, an "Entrepreneurial University" -- it just means: you need raise your own money.
Most artists and entrepreneurs in the world insist on a repertoire that includes both object form and active form. (Keller Easterling, The action is the form. Victor Hugo's TED Talk.)
Antonio Negri
Michael Hardt
every day words disappear
Michael Hardt on the politics of love
capitalist control and forms of life
New mode of production as a heterogeneous formation in which labor processes remaining from the past mix with new ones.
Production of Forms of Life.
Production of Social Relations.
What are the alternatives? Think of a Cooperative University?
>> impakt tv in conversation with Johan Grimonprez (from min 17) about why "politics of love" matter even more in times of war
Social Entrepreneurship > what it meant: community engagement replacing what was taken away from the welfare state >> a bandate over what was taken away
"Here we want to insist that first and foremost entrepreneurship belongs to the multitude, and names the multitude’s capacities for cooperative social production and reproduction. Like many other terms in our political vocabulary, entrepreneurship has been diverted and distorted.We need to take it back and claim it as our own."
struggling over political concepts > abandoning a worn out concept also means to lose a long tradition of struggles that have to do with that
challenge for the concept of multitude: how can a social multiplicity communicate and act in common while remaining internally different?
The common we share must be produced
What can the multitude become?
What are the new machines of today?
And what would that mean, for example, in relation to software technology, Artistic Intellegigence, Artisitc Practice, Artitificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?
What would it mean in relation to rural innovation?
"Dynamic over time"?
what we mean by it: projects to organise social cooperations autonomously. An example would be: organising the capacaties for self-management. Entrepreneurship of the Multitudes also has to attack the reproduction of the conditions of inequality
the capitalist entrepreneur (eg the owner of a factory/a company) and the notion of leadership --
>> the continuous expropriation of the co-operative power of the multitude. The capitalist entrepreneur, from this perspective, is unjustly given credit for an entrepreneurial function accomplished elsewhere (moral reading)
(who is doing the labour? who get's the credit for success?
>> the capitalist entrepreneur depends on the labour of others)
>> paid (workers) and unpaid (vast social field)
>> what are diffuse factories and complex industrial zones?
>> the conception of "masses as being passive" versus a multiplicity of actionable practices
>> The neoliberal mandate to become the individual entrepreneur of your own life, in other words, is an attempt to recuperate and domesticate a threatening form of multitudinous entrepreneurship that is already emerging from below.
>>The rise of social entrepreneurship, in fact, coincides with the neoliberal destruction of the welfare state, as its flip side, its compensatory mechanism,
>> Social entrepreneurship, despite its rhetoric of empowerment, is really the translation into the field of charity of the traditional ideology of the heroic business entrepreneur, adopting something like the anthropology of Schumpeter’s early writings (with its rare men of action and hedonistic masses).
Does not question the rule of property and the sources of social inequality but instead seeks to alleviate the worst suffering and make capitalist society more humane
an example from Spain: PAH -- Platform for People Affected by Mortgages >> against a system of debts and indebtedness, plus a politcal project against gentrification, while, but not only, helping the victims ....
Productive social power of the multitude and what does leadership mean in this context?
Leadership becomes merely tactical and strategy is entrusted to the multitude.
Christine Keating, Claire Rasmussen, Pooja Rishi: The Rationality of Empowerment: Microcredit, Accumulation by Dispossession, and the Gendered Economy
What, then, does “from below” mean? It means, first, defining power from the standpoint of the subordinated, whose knowledge is transformed through resistance and struggles of liberation from the domination of those “above.”Those below have a fuller knowledge of the social whole, a gift that can serve as the basis for a multitudinous enterprise of constructing the common. From below also designates a political trajectory: an institutional project that has not only the force to subvert command but also the capacity to construct politically an alternative society. In: Hardt/Negri, Assembly, p.83.