shifting, switching, combining 

The effects of noise on the world, and on our views of the world, are profound. Noise in the sense of a large number of small events is often a causal factor much more powerful than a small number of large events can be. Noise makes trading in financial markets possible, and thus allows us to observe prices for financial assets. Noise causes markets to be somewhat inefficient, but often prevents us from taking advantage of inefficiencies. Noise in the form of uncertainty about future tastes and technology by sector causes business cycles, and makes them highly resistant to improvement through government intervention. Noise in the form of expectations that need not follow rational rules causes inflation to be what it is, at least in the absence of a gold standard or fixed exchange rates. Noise in the form of uncertainty about what relative prices would be with other exchange rates makes us think incorrectly that changes in exchange rates or inflation rates cause changes in trade or investment flows or economic activity. Most generally, noise makes it very difficult to test either practical or academic theories about the way that financial or economic markets work. We are forced to act largely in the dark.


Same data, different frames, opposite conclusions.


Black Fischer, Noise, 1986





framing as queering

Frames are more than a person’s individual perspective—they are cognitive templates


Perception, Perspective,


Framing, Narrative

Noise is the very infrastructure for value.



a feminist reading,

a feminist framing

What if? Seeing what's not there

Framing, Re-Framing, and Perspective Taking


Podcast, featuring Kenneth Cukier

His most recent book: Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil

Noise: Pitch and Twang, a Bidoun issue, 2010

Now we must learn to judge a society more by its sounds, by its art, and by its festivals, than by its statistics. By listening to noise, we can better understand where the folly of men and their calculations is leading us, and what hopes it is still possible to have. Nothing essential happens in the absence of noise.  

Jacques AttaliNoise, The Political Economy of Music, The University of Minnesota Press, 1977/1985, Chapter one: Listening. 

thinking through contradictions

Stuart Hall at the inaugural Karl Marx Memorial Lecture, Sheffield, 1983. Source, youtube. 

Noise Education ....

Reading/reframing Marx as an Entrepreneur? 


"The communism that he looks forward to in the commune and elsewhere is a communism of self-disciplining and self-organizing human beings as human beings who have come into the Mastery of their own situation as human beings who see in the objective world they’re able to produce in their labour and relationships are proper and not a distorted image of their humanity. It’s a fantastic vision that Marx has, which just as a side and a side that means it has nothing whatever to do with the current psychological notions of alienation. Marx’s alienation is not a hang up inside, it’s the lack of a relationship with the objective world. It is that we don’t possess that world we have all built together in an open interchange. It’s not inside. It may be that we are alienated inside because we don’t have that objective relationship, but Marx is not about feeling good in our heads, it’s about holding on to the worlds, but having the world at our disposal is reading of human history is that we have been disposed of by history." (Stuart Hall)

F.M. Esfandiary

“No civilization of the past was great,” Esfandiary insisted. “They were all primitive and persecutory, founded on mass subjugation and mass murder.” Against a tide of books warning of global crisis, decline, and alienation, Esfandiary proclaimed the first Age of Optimism. Technology would universalize abundance; nations would disappear; identities would shift from cultural to personal. “The young modern is not losing his identity. He is gladly disencumbering himself of it,” he wrote. “In the 21st century, no one will say ‘I’m Egyptian, or Romanian, or American,’ but ‘I’m global,’ or ‘I’m moon-based,’ or ‘part Martian.’”

Benjamin Tiven: The Future Takes Forever