
Ellen Kristine Ugelvik
Piano, piano technique, piano concerto, contemporary music
Christoph Brunner
Media Arts, affect, politics, activism, research-creation, Media studies, Cultural Studies, postcolonial/decolonial theories, Gender studies, Aesthetics and Theory of Arts
Barbara Lueneburg
Instrumental Performance Studies, Participatory Art, Authorship, Collaboration, Methodology, Embodiment, Artistic Research
Eric Souther
Code, toolmaking, new media art, New Materialism
Vidmina Stasiulyte
experimental aesthetics, sound embodiment, fashion alternatives, boundary artefacts, inclusion
Emilie Löfgren
documentary, filmmaking, radio, art, grief
Michal Lovecky
digital worlds, metaverse, XR, virtual reality, transdiciplinarity, co-design, co-creation, ocean, immersive technologies, Immersion, marine science, collective action research, impact
W. Walker
Art, performance, public art, deconstruction, dance, acting, performance; re-enactment; landspace; site; environment;, masquerade, african cosmologies, Caribbean, carnival
Jule von Hertell
documentary, Documentary experimental, Essay Film, Memory culture, cartography, entanglements
Sabina Holzer
anthropocene, ecologies, more-than-human, intersectional feminism, materiality, Body based art, science fiction, poetry, community, dance