
In accordance with the EU Data Protection Directive (GDPR), the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) informs you on the following Data Protection Policy established for the Research Catalogue (RC):

  1. No information handled by SAR and/or RC as part of the RC Terms of Use and this policy document is regarded as sensitive personal information – as defined by Art 9 of the GDPR.
  2. On the RC, the only personal data stored are your name, email address, RC password and, as an option, your country of residence.
  3. When registering for a full user account as an individual user directly on the RC, you will have to agree with the terms of use (by means of activating the checkbox to agree with the terms of use when you activate your full account) and provide:
    1. your name,
    2. email address,
    3. country of residence (optional),
    4. postal address,
    5. evidence of identification (copy of identification card or passport). Your proof of identity must be sent to our User Support by email. The received information is forwarded by encrypted e-mail to the SAR Back Office at: Administratiekantoor Van Tunen + Partners
Oranje Nassaulaan 1,1075 AH Amsterdam Postbus 53028 - 1007 RA Amsterdam Tel.: 020 5712333 - e-mail:

Here, the information is digitally saved, printed, and stored, in formats not connected to the RC software environment. Any digital copies of the information created in these transfers will be deleted on a regular basis.

  1. When registering for a full user account through a SAR Portal Partner, you will have to agree to the terms of use (by means of enabling the checkbox to agree during the activation of your account). In this case, you do not have to send in any proof of identification to SAR, as identification is done by the Portal Administrator.
    1. your name,
    2. email address,
    3. country of residence (optional), Your contact information must be delivered to your local Portal Partner Administrator.
  2. On a regular basis, only a designated member of staff at the Back Office has access to this stored information. SAR has the right to move the function of the Back Office, including the stored information, to another operator without further notice.
  3. The information provided under either point 3.a and 3.b or 4.a and 4.b is used to confirm the RC account of the user, either by SAR or by our local Portal Partner.
  4. SAR will only use the information provided under 3.d and 3.e to identify a user, in case this user has uploaded material to the RC in defiance of the agreed Terms of Use, in which case the user may be legally and/or financially responsible for this action. Should a similar breach of the Terms of Use occur by a user registered through one of our portal partners, that portal partner is obliged to provide the necessary personal identification.
  5. In case the user's account on the RC is terminated, the stored information regarding this user at the RC and at the Back Office will be deleted, unless the account holder has published material on the RC, which - according to the Terms of Use - cannot be removed, see Part 1, point 8.
  6. On the RC only the name, optional aliases, optional country of residence, e-mail address and password of the users are stored. The RC support, administrators and developers have access to these data and SAR uses this information to organize the workflows in the RC. SAR can also use this information to create depersonalized user statistics and in order to contact all users regarding issues connected to the administration and operation of the RC.
  7. SAR will not distribute the stored information to any third parties outside of the RC environment.
  8. In case a SAR Portal Partner operating a portal on the RC may require additional information from a user, this has to be regulated by a similar policy statement from the respective organisation.


Consent to Information

  1. With the consent of the user, SAR may also use the stored e-mail addresses to provide information on SAR activities and other relevant information in relation to research environments worldwide, such as the SARA announcement service.
  2. This consent does not give SAR the rights to distribute the stored information to any third parties outside of the SAR environment.
    The given consent can be withdrawn at any time through your RC settings page.