
Julian Klein
artistic mode, practice and theory of playing, mise en musique, neuroaesthetics, emotionology, sonification, historical investigation
Timo Menke
visual art, materiality
Michel Roth
music, games, indeterminacy, collaborative processes, interactive performance, artistic research, organology, music theory, sonification, transdiciplinarity, field recording, acoustic ecology, Actor network theory, soundscape studies
Jeannette Ginslov
Screendance, Embodied Dance Practice, Dance-tech practice, Embodied technologies, Embodied Materiality
Jeffrey Cobbold
Autobiography, contemporary art, digital humanities, digital storytelling, experimental music, (music) education, practical theology, sound, video
YiLing Hung
Performance, Scenography, Social behaviour, acculturation, space and place
Mafalda Deville
contemporary dance, Contemporary performance, choreography and performance, feminism, feminist art, vulnerability, Technology Innovation, audiences
Kjell Are Refsvik
prototyping, design methods, design didactics
LM Sanchez Cardona
transdiciplinarity, new media art, digital art, socially engaged art, antropocene, sound art, ethnography, philosophy as art, Beckett
Austeja Platukyte
Bioart, biodesign, materials, ecology, Climate Change, Anthropocene, Biodegradable objects, material futures, circular design, organic materials, living materials, 3d bioprinting, grown materials, hybrid materials, material design, living design objects
performance, Technology Innovation, multimedia, transdiciplinarity, Science and Art collaborations, performativity, community, userinvolvment, User Experience
Joana Braga
urban space, Spaces in between, space and body, time and space, performance; landscape; video; sound; installation
Sarah Bennett
archives, artistic research, site responsive practices, Fine Arts, affect, Higher education in the Arts
Darnisha Daniel
Self-image, identity development, artistic research, youth, art, PHOTOGRAPHY
Ramona Rodríguez-López
sound art, electronic media, edu-art