
Per Anders Nilsson
improvisation, Jazz, game studies, systemic art, electroacoustic music
Karst de Jong
Music Theory, Improvisation, Harmony, Analysis, Composition, (collaborative) Creation
Lucia D'Errico
music, post-structuralism, electronic music, video performance, graphic design, Deleuze, Derrida, performance, materiality, lacan, epistemology, sound, Speculative Realism, New Materialism, non-human, Algorithmic Composition, experimentation, machine
craig wells
Spatial Audio, electroacoustic music, synthesis, materialism, phenomenlogy, field recording, fiction, Speculative Realism, Process Philosophy
Scott Andrew Elliott
Installation Art, interior and spatial practice, New Materialism
Alexandra murray-leslie
artscience, artistic research, artistic processes, Craft, performance
Mia Seppälä
public space, public art, accessibility; web images; alt text, performance; re-enacment; site; environment, constructions of public-ness, Body of the Performer
Thilde Dalager
Otherness, the gaze, experimental animation., authorial illustration, Masks, textile, text and image, images
Hayley Whelan
Walking Art; Social Art Practice; Perfromance & Artistic Intervention, walking practice, walking art, Writing as artistic research, practice-led research, PHOTOGRAPHY, darkroom photography, Film-making, collage, walking, cities, Scotland, research