
Mick Wilson
necropolitics / political community with the dead, foodways and political imaginaries, rhetorical form & method discourse in knowledge conflict
Lisa Dillan
improvisation, improvised music, improvisation and real-time composition, improvisational scores, improvisation exercises., improvisation choreography, Improvisation; Time, interpretation, improvisational dance, improvisational video, improvisation mixed media, performing arts, psychology, mediation, sports psychology
Anders Eggen
publishing, research communication, open science
Elin Tanding Sørensen
artistic research, artistic method, architectural research, urban blue, more-than-human, more-than-human care, urban ecology and water-management, co-creational practices, experimental archeology, marine landscape architecture, marine biology, ecological engineering, ethic of wonder, nature as mentor, multispecies urbanism, undisciplined
Anne Marthe Dyvi
Media Arts, Video art, moving images, Colour, time based media, time, art, technology, History, politics, poetry
Doris Ingrisch
gender and cultural studies, dialogue between art & science, history of science, arts based and experimental research methods
Siren Elise Wilhelmsen
Design research, materials, Textiles, consumer culture, community, ecology, Climate, wildness, speculative design, artistic research, sustainability, critical design, fictional speculations, nonhuman encounter, vegetal biodiversity, rhizome, Coexistence
Fabian Weiss
PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO, Body, embodiment, optimal performance
Sergio Montero Bravo
artistic research, art, design, architecture, ecologies, rural encounters, education
Liz Rech
movement, social movements, aktivism, affect, choreography and performance
Lorena Croceri
transdiciplinarity, Performance studies, Performance art, Performance art theory and practice, artistic research, innovation, innovator, innovative performance practice, innovative material, innovate, innovation through meaning
Ana Miriam Rebelo
photography, architecture, public space, photobooks, visual culture, editorial design, design