Ιφιγένεια εν Αυλίδι (D.O.T. #0)

Direct print on PVC, 240 cm x 160 cm.

Painting. Gif video projection.

Ιφιγένεια εν Αυλίδι is both a part of Roumagnac's doctoral conclusive exhibition "The Final Stage", and a transitional piece towards his coming postdoctoral research project D.O.T. (Data Ocean Theatre). Ιφιγένεια εν Αυλίδι is a videoscenic installation in the form of a performing backdrop at the material and temporal collision of three representational means: painting, photography, and gif video projection. Ιφιγένεια εν Αυλίδι is also the original Greek title for Iphigenia in Aulis, Euripides' last tragedy (406 BC), in which destinies of man, meteorological abnormalities, becomings of seas, and sacrifices of daughters are intertwined.

Click on the image to play the video
