Project title
Performing/Transforming Practices 
- LCA perspectives on filmproduction within in the context of performative artistic research


Principal investigators
Lina Persson, Researcher, Department of film and media, Stockholm Uniarts,

Anna Björklund, Dept. of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH, 

external advisor: Ronny Fritsche, miljöstrateg på Film I Väst, 


Main contact email address


Duration of the project in months


Start date


End date


Budget table (max 600 kkr; separate each field with ";")
• Anna Björklund, associate professor/docent, Dept. of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH, annab@abe.kth.se2,3 months 100% salary spread out across April – September 2020: 300 KKR

• Lina Persson, Researcher, Department of film and media, Stockholm Uniarts, 3 months salary 100% 140 KKR funded by Climate-Just Worldings (Swedish research council)

• Anna Björklud, 1 month salary 50% 80 KKR funded by Climate-Just Worldings (Swedish research council). For a joint writing/reflection/conclusion collaboration between Persson & Björklund.


Total cost of the project (in kkr)


Total funding requested from KTH project partner


1. Aim of this project
Due to our current climate-crisis we need a major transformation of society. In order to think radically anew we need to change how education and research is conducted. The transition has to start within the universities ( A key factor is transdisciplinary approaches. We aim at starting a collaboration between students and teachers at the Dept of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED) and the Department of film and media, Stockholm Uniarts in order to help build a tradition of such approaches.

We will monitor and evaluate the life cycle climate impact of practices in research and education at Uniarts on two levels, on an individual researcher’s level and on an organisational level, by developing new approaches based on tools and data otherwise used in an engineering context at KTH. With a focus on a new generation in film production, our overall purpose is to contribute to a change of current practices, by finding ways to improve the awareness of climate impact of media production and how to actively reduce those impacts. 
On an individual researcher’s level on Lina Persson’s performative artistic research project Climate-Just Worldings (see full research plan: ). It is an opportunity to explore the new strand ”Quantified self” combined with LCA, and an opportunity for artistic research, a new field in its founding process, to understand the climate-impact of its different parts. Together we will measure, document and follow up on the emissions of climate-gases and together reflect and study how this new knowledge will affect future choices. And actively include such research already available such as!/The%20Travelling%20Scientists%20Itinerary.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3YgZwfz9Wb0mp2A_JfcRSl3pYklKkso63aWbx7noh_TpvMemBFEX7vzRA . These joint conclusions will become part of the climate-just narrative developed within Persson’s project. We also aim to develop an app tool to make the documentation process more intuitive. The documentation of this process will also be continuously available to the public online. 
On an organisational level we will make LCA on film production degree projects at the film & media department. KTH students/researchers can access the infrastructure of film production for an LCA case study, involving producers, technicians, teachers and students at Uniarts.. The outcome of this analysis will provide knowledge about what tools needs to be included in future student-productions. Tools, such as analysis-apps, calculators, checklists or climate-budgets can help the students use their creativity to transform film production in a more sustainable way. And the aim is to produce such tools in collaboration with Björklund’s students. 


2. Strategic importance and impact
It is important to transform film production since film shapes our imagination and what we think is possible in the world and it also drives a tech-industry with an ever increasing climate impact (high-res images, online streaming, 5G etc). 

In the film industry, there is a tendency to purchase carbon offsets to make projects carbon-neutral rather than changing or challenging existing procedures and protocols. The film and media industry is way behind, compared to many other industries, in working towards the Paris agreement. With this project we aim to give the knowledge and tools for a transition of practice. 

By including LCA-perspectives in film education and knowledge about film production in LCA-education we will transform production models within the university. The work in the LCA-group at SEED, KTH, can have instant effect within the university organisation itself. And by bringing together our students from the two different disciplines we open up for possible future collaborations, later, after they left the university and entered professional arenas.

The outcome will be published as an exposition on the international database for artistic research and published in journals for artistic research. It will also be presented as artworks, in exhibitions and at conferences. It will be an opportunity for Björklund to explore in other ways than scientific journals, for sharing scientific results. 


3. Future plan
To establish a pedagogical collaboration between our disciplines, such as joint courses or lectures, that will make future such attempts easier.

There is a demand, for the tools we aim to start developing, by producers and sustainability consultants within the film industry in Sweden. In dialogue with Ronny Fritsche we aim to create starting points that can continue to be developed by students also after the education.

The shared experiences of the two teachers in how to transform education towards sustainability and actual emission cuts will be a way to explore the new kind of university.


4. Justification of budget and involved personnel
Lina Persson has access and knowledge about the production pipelines in the film & media department and how to best access the different stages of the productions for LCA. She also have the means to manifest the results in the pedagogical infrastructure, such as course plans, manuals and templates

Anna Björklund has broad expertise in LCA in methodology and experience of applying LCA for exploring new policy and effects of different measures to reduce life cycle environmental impact in various fields of society and technology.She teaches LCA and regularly supervises master students in LCA