"To think about what you trying to tell me,
And  think about how should I react to it,
Then think about how you will react to my reaction,
I also think about what they would react to our conversations, secretly.
But I never thought my painting would talk to others.
Like I never thought somebody can notice the voice in my head.

If you heard it, it might be a sound , like the sound of your own steps.
If you listen to it,  it might be a memory, a story or  song.
A thing that you can tell."

(Si Pehbowen)


(Si Pehbowen)

I. Si Pehbowen´s original painting

   Si Pehbowen 的原作畫




 II/a. Audio-response by Samu Gryllus

       Samu Gryllus以錄音作為回應






II/b. Auto-analysis of IIa by Samu Gryllus.

       Samu Gryllus針對IIa的分析.








III/a.Video-response by Si Pehbowen

       Si Pehbowen以影片作為回應


III/b. Sheet of notes for III/a by Si Pehbowen

        Si Pehbowen提供III/a的筆記稿


Dialogue Research

is a format of artistic research between two participants of the Creative (Mis)Understandings. It was initiated by Samu Gryllus during the second week of the field research period of the project on Lanyu, upon first exploring a painting of Si Pehbowen. 


The rules of the resarch are following:

  • A work of art (music, video, recording of dancing, images of paintings or drawings, anything that can be shared via internet) is created in response to the work of the other artist.
  • Both artists are creating a written analysis about their own artwork, but keep it in secret until they get the a response from  the other artist to their work.
  • These actions are repeated until both artists feel that they mutually understand each other´s approach to their works.



對話研究是兩位Creative (Mis)Understandings研究計畫成員之間正在進行的一個藝術研究模式,由Samu Gryllus在蘭嶼田野調查的第二個禮拜所提出,當時他正在第一次探討Si Pehbowen的繪畫作品。


  • 以回應一件藝術作品為出發點去創作另一件藝術作品(形式可以是音樂、影片、舞蹈的錄影紀錄、畫作、或任何可以在網路上播放展現的格式)。
  • 兩位藝術家要寫出對於自己作品的分析,但是內容要保密直到對方已對自己的作品做出回應。
  • 這樣的應答必須要重複來回直到兩位藝術家都感覺到已經可以深刻明白彼此創作的方式。

"A step by step understanding my misunderstandings, and my own approach through your approach to my way of understanding.

Watching with our eyes and listen with our ears in order to see and hear the same. 

I beleive that our actions will end up having a mutual understanding of our perspectives, meanwhile the way that led to this balance will be clearly shown in our words as well as in our works."

(Samu Gryllus)


(Samu Gryllus)