

A hundred years ago, the indigenous people "Tao" in Lanyu were considered and researched as living fossils from the Stone Age. But already in the second half of the 20th century, the tradition and life of Tao were greatly changed by the influences of the Chinese and the Christian mission.

In recent years, because of the rapidly increasing tourism and politics of the Taiwanese government is nature in Lanyu very polluted.

The traditional culture of Tao has been lost a lot, but the economic situation has improved significantly. This creates a large area of tension between tradition, modern materialism, cultural identity, environmental problems and social relationships.

After 3 weeks on this charming island, I tried to reflect the current situation of Lanyu with a few electro-acoustic compositions.




在一百年前,蘭嶼的原住民達悟族還被日本人類學家當作石器時代的活化石來研究和觀察,但是到了20世紀後期,由於漢人和基督教的影響,達悟人的生活突然產生了急劇的變化。近年來,旅遊業迅速發展和台灣政府的治理方式給蘭嶼的生態環境及傳統文化帶來了慘重的浩劫,在達悟文化迅速流失的同時,經濟條件卻有了顯著的改善。 這樣的變遷,在與大自然和諧共存的傳統生活方式,現代的物質主義,達悟年輕人的文化認同,環境保護以及社會關係之間形成了強烈的矛盾與衝突。在這個淨土般的島嶼上生活了三週後,我試圖用幾個具象音樂作品來反映蘭嶼令人充滿迷思的現況。

The Lost Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

I am always very touched, when I see the deep trust and loyal friendship between humans and animals on the island Lanyu, they live together in the most natural way, as should be in the Garden of Eden.



Offering and Anito (ghosts)

When a house is finished on Lanyu, pigs or goats are sacrificed at the inauguration ceremony, when the modern lifestyle is introduced from the outside world to Lanyu, the tradition of the indigenous peoples and the untouched nature are sacrificed.

In the Tao tradition, Anito means ghosts, but the modern evil ghosts in Lanyu are nuclear waste, environmental pollution, and the loss of traditional culture and virtue.



在蘭嶼,當新屋落成時,總要在慶典上殺豬宰羊作為犧牲。這讓我聯想到,當從外地引入新的物質文明時, 是不是原住民傳統和島嶼自然生態就得被犧牲?在達悟語中,Anito是鬼,然而如今肆虐蘭嶼的現代惡靈不是鬼,而是是核廢料,環境污染以及傳統文化與美德的流失。



A little but real love story in Lanyu

A ship had just arrived from Taiwan, the curious tourists got out, and the tour guides said something funny with the megaphones.

I sat motionless for hours at the port exit with the recording device, and waiting for the ships.

Unexpectedly, two Taiwanese girls ran along the breakwater and wished they could see their loved one again.

The ship sailed to Taiwan, as expected he came out and stood on the deck. A girl shouted in the loudest voice "... see you in Taiwan, I think I like you!"

He raised his two arms and made a heart shape over his head.

The ship gradually disappeared into the blue sea, the girls left with her wish that had been fulfilled. Everything became quiet again, only a small plane landed slowly .....


一艘從台灣來的客船剛駛進蘭嶼港口,興奮的遊客蜂擁下船,導遊用擴音器一面逗趣一面講解行程。為了等船出海,我帶著錄音機在水道出口一動不動的已經坐了一個小時。就在這時候,兩個台灣女孩沿著防波堤飛奔而來,希望能再見心上人一面。客船出航了,那男孩不負期望地守候在甲板上。 一個女孩高聲呼喊:『...台灣見!我覺得我喜歡你!』 男孩高舉雙臂,在頭頂上圈成一個心形。那船逐漸消失在蔚藍的大海中,女孩們帶著實現了的願望離開了。 一切又恢復安靜,只有一架小飛機正在緩緩降落.....

Sound of the sea in Lanyu